

APT help (debian package management)

pka           - List all installed packages
pka -a        - List all           packages
pkf    <pkg>  - List files in installed package named <pkg>
pkf -a <pkg>  - List files in           package named <pkg>
pks    <file> - Search for installed package containing <file>
pks -a <file> - Search for           package containing <file>
pki           - Show package info and indicate install status

apt-get update              - update list of files
apt-file update             - update apt-file database for searching

apt-get install <pkg>       - intall package
apt-get --reinstall install <pkg> - re-intall package (fix broken files)
apt-get remove <pkg>        - remove package (not config files)
apt-get --purge remove <pkg>- remove package (including config files)

apt-get -u upgrade          - upgrade ALL FILES (-u shows list & prompts first)
apt-show-versions -u        - show all packages that can be upgradd

apt-cache search <str>      - search for <str> in packages (installed and not)
apt-cache show <pkg>        - show info for <pkg>  (first lists most recent,
                                then lists currently installed)
apt-cache showpkg <pkg>     - more info
apt-cache showsrc <pkg>     - info about source dependancies
apt-cache depends <pkg>     - what it depends on
dpkg -S <file>              - find package that provide files containing <file>
                                in their name (installed packages only)
apt-file search <file>      - find packages that supply <file> (even if not
apt-file list <pkg>         - list files in package
dpkg -l                     - list all installed packages
dpkg -l <pat>               - list all installed packages matching pattern
dpkg -L <pkg>               - list files from <pkg> installed on system
dpkg -S <pat>               - list packages that have file matching <pat>
dpkg -s <pat>               - display package status & info
dpkg -p <pkg>               - display details about <pkg>

auto-apt run <cmd>          - run <cmd> and prompt to install files needed by it
auto-apt update
auto-apt updatedb
auto-apt update-local

apt-get source <pkg>        - get source for <pkg> to current dir
                                <p>.orig.tar.gz - original source
                                <p>.dsc         - debian description file
                                <p>.diff.gz     - patches
                                <p>             - directory where extracted
apt-get build-dep <pkg>     - install all depenancies needed to build <pkg>
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b     - build src pkg from current dir
                                          (cd to dir <p>)
dpkg -i <file>.deb          - install resulting file

    cd dir-containing-rpm-file
    sudo alien -k name-of-rpm-file.rpm
    sudo dpkg -i name-of-deb-file.deb