

===== Create repository

git-init    - create repository in current dir

===== Concepts

index     - changes that have been "git-add"ed but not committed
workspace - current dir contents
head      - most recent commit on current branch
HEAD      - symbol meaning "tip of current branch"

If HEAD does not point to tip of branch, then you must create a new branch to
do a checkin.

<b>  - a branch
<c>  - a commit (sha1 hash)
<t>  - a tag
<tr> - can be a commit, a tag, or a branch (refers to tip commit of branch)
<f>  - a filename

===== STASH

git-stash save <msg>     - save current workspace & index, and then empty them
git-stash list           - list stashes
git-stash apply          - bring back most recent stash
git-stash apply <name>   - bring back named stash (name from  git-stash list)


git-checkout    <tr>     - sync working dir to <tr> and set HEAD to <tr>
git-checkout -f <tr>     - force (discard all local changes)

git-checkout -b <b> <tr> - same as:
                            git-checkout <tr>
                            git-branch <b>

git-branch               - list all branches
git-branch <b>           - create <branch> pointing at current head

git-checkout    <b> <f>  - get <f> from <b> and put in index & workspace
git-checkout -f <b> <f>  - force (overwrite local changes in index & workspace)

===== REVERT
git-reset                - revert index but leave workspace as-is

git-reset --hard         - revert all uncommitted changes & merges

git-checkout -f HEAD <f> - revert file <f> (discard workspace & index changes)

DANGEROUS: git-reset --hard HEAD^  - obliterate most recent commit
                                    (use only right after commit)

===== DIFF & STATUS 

git-status               - show which files changed in index and workspace

git-diff                 - diff index vs workspace
git-diff --cached        - diff HEAD vs index
git-diff HEAD            - diff HEAD vs workspace
git-diff <tr1> <tr2>     - diff <tr1> vs <tr2>

git-diff     -- <f>      - diff just file <f> (same options as above before --)

mygitdiff                - use gdiff (same options as above)

git-log                  - show history of a commit
git-reflog               - show history of a branch (HEAD by default)


git-add .                - add ALL changes in workspace (recursive) to index
git-add <file>           - add current version of <file> to index
git-add <dir>            - add current version of <dir>/... to index
git-rm <file>            - remove <file> from workspace & index
git-status               - show files changed in index and workspace
git-commit               - create commit from current index