

UID     passphrase
----    ----------
acorn   ***
merlin  merlin

gpg --gen-key           - generate new key (interactive)
gpg --export            - export all keys
gpg --export -a <uid>   - export key with id containing <uid>
gpg --import <file>     - import public key from <file>
gpg --import            - import public key from stdin
gpg -k                  - list keys
gpg --list-sigs         - list keys and signatures
gpg --fingerprint       - list fingerprints of keys

gpg -e -s <file>                  - encrypt (prompt for dst ids)
gpg -r <dst-uid> -e -s <file>     - encrypt <file> so only <dst-uid> can read
                                    it and sign it with my default key.  Output
                                    as <file>.gpg

gpg -d <file>.gpg                 - decrypt <file>.gpg to stdout
gpg -o <dst> -d <file>.gpg        - decrypt to file <dst>

On Nov 14, 2007:
Created key for acorn and for merlin

>gpg --list-sigs 
pub   1024D/BBEF0414 2007-11-15
uid                  Acorn Pooley (Nathan) <acorn@mad.scientist.com>
sig 3        BBEF0414 2007-11-15  Acorn Pooley (Nathan) <acorn@mad.scientist.com>
sub   2048g/86829570 2007-11-15
sig          BBEF0414 2007-11-15  Acorn Pooley (Nathan) <acorn@mad.scientist.com>

pub   1024D/DAAFE410 2007-11-15
uid                  Merlin (Merlin) <merlin@fatdragon.com>
sig 3        DAAFE410 2007-11-15  Merlin (Merlin) <merlin@fatdragon.com>
sub   2048g/142A29E8 2007-11-15
sig          DAAFE410 2007-11-15  Merlin (Merlin) <merlin@fatdragon.com>

Passphrase for merlin: merlin
Passphrase for acorn: (this is a secret word known only to acorn)