

doit                        a bunch of commands for networking, etc - interactiv
netloc                      my script to set up network for certain lap location
ping <hostname>             see if host is responding
ping <ip_address>           see if IP address is responding
nslookup <hostname>         ask DNS for IP address of host
nslookup <domainname>       ask DNS for IP address of host
nslookup <ip_address>       ask DNS for IP address of host
nslookup <subnet_address>   ask DNS for IP address of host
ipconfig /release           release ip address (DHCP)
ipconfig /renew             re-get ip address from DHCP
traceroute <host_or_ip>     show all gateways on route to host
tracert                     traceroute on Win2000
netstat -r                  list routes to hosts and networks
/etc/init.d/network reload  restart network (do after running netcfg)
netcfg                      GUI configure network settings
linuxcfg                    configure network & other settings
ifconfig                    setup & show info on networking (?)
(CMD1)                      restart pcmcia & get new settings from files
                              (also restarts networking if via pcmcia card)

ipconfig /release           turn off win2000 networking
ipconfig /renew             turn on  win2000 networking (after /release)

(CMD1)> /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia restart

(A) ./hosts         list of hostnames and their IP addresses
(B) ./ifcfg-eth0    describes ethernet interface
(C) ./network       hostname, gateway, enable networking
(D) ./amb8110.o     module for my laptop network card
(E) ./README.txt    info about my laptop network card
(F) ./messages      kernal messages - use 'tail -f messages' to see in realtime
(G) ./modem.txt     info about my window
(H) ./resolv.conf   nameserver specified here for DNS

(A) /etc/hosts
(B) /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
(C) /etc/sysconfig/network
(D) /lib/modules/2.2.16-22/pcmcia/amb8110.o
(E) ~/Archive/ethernet/README.txt
(F) /var/log/messages
(G) ~/Notes
(H) /etc/resolv.conf