

Checking out and managing Acorn's projects and mybin

Projects in git
To list all:
    ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss acorn@shell2.rawbw.com ls git

To clone one project:
    cd ~/Projects  # or any other dir
    git clone ssh://acorn@shell2.rawbw.com/home/users/acorn/git/picnecklace.git
    # replace "picnecklace" with the project you want.
    # Creates a new dir "picnecklace" with project.  Or add a 2nd argument to
    # change name of directory that is created.

To create a new project
    mkdir ~/Projects/mynewproj   # or any dir you want
    cd ~/Projects/mynewproj
    edit files
    git init
    git add <files>
    git commit
    gitproj   # this will check them into rawbw git.

Projects in cvs
To list all:
    ssh acorn@shell2.rawbw.com ls cvsroot/Projects

To get one project:
    export CVS_RSH=ssh
    export CVSROOT=:ext:acorn@shell2.rawbw.com:/home/users/acorn/cvsroot
    cd ~
    cvs checkout Projects/robocam
    # The above command will create ~/Projects/robocam
    # replace 'robocam' with the project you want.

To update to latest files
    cd ~/Projects/robocam
    cvs update -d       # -d option fetches new directories under $PWD too

To add a new file
    cd ~/Projects/robocam
    cvs add <files>
    cvs commit

To create a new project
    mkdir ~/Projects/mynewproj   # any dir under ~/Projects
    cd ~/Projects/mynewproj
    edit files
    cd ~/Projects
    cvs add mynewproj
    cd mynewproj
    cvs add <files>
    cvs commit

Mybin in cvs
To get it:
    export CVS_RSH=ssh
    export CVSROOT=:ext:acorn@shell2.rawbw.com:/home/users/acorn/cvsroot
    cd $HOME
    cvs checkout mybin

    cd mybin
    bash ./bootstrap

    (bootstrap will print other suggested actions for a new computer)

To add a file
    cd ~/mybin/dir
    cvs add file
    cvs commit

To get latest stuff
    cd ~/mybin
    cvs update
To get latest stuff including new directories
    cd ~/mybin
    cvs update -d