

To use sphinx to document a package:

1) in the top level package directory (next to package.xml) add a file conf.py
  An example is in /home/acorn/l/ros2/src/moveit_pr2/pr2_moveit_tutorials/conf.py
  Here (indented 4 spaces) it is::
    import sys, os

    sys.path += [ os.path.abspath( 'doc' )]

    extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.extlinks',
                   'tutorialformatter' ]

    # The master toctree document.
    master_doc = 'index'

    # The suffix of source filenames.
    source_suffix = '.rst'

    project = u'pr2_moveit_tutorials'

    copyright = u'2013,  SRI International'

    # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
    # output. They are ignored by default.
    show_authors = True

    # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
    pygments_style = 'sphinx'

    extlinks = {'codedir': ('https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_pr2/blob/hydro-devel/pr2_moveit_tutorials/%s', ''),
                'moveit_core': ('http://docs.ros.org/api/moveit_core/html/classmoveit_1_1core_1_1%s.html', ''),
                'planning_scene': ('http://docs.ros.org/api/moveit_core/html/classplanning__scene_1_1%s.html', ''),
                'planning_scene_monitor': ('http://docs.ros.org/api/moveit_ros_planning/html/classplanning__scene__monitor_1_1%s.html', ''),
                'collision_detection_struct': ('http://docs.ros.org/api/moveit_core/html/structcollision__detection_1_1%s.html', ''),
                'collision_detection_class': ('http://docs.ros.org/api/moveit_core/html/classcollision__detection_1_1%s.html', ''),
                'kinematic_constraints': ('http://docs.ros.org/api/moveit_core/html/classkinematic__constraints_1_1%s.html', ''),
                'moveit_core_files': ('http://docs.ros.org/api/moveit_core/html/%s.html', '')}

2) That file refers to index.rst so create (same dir) a file index.rst
  An example is in /home/acorn/l/ros2/src/moveit_pr2/pr2_moveit_tutorials/index.rst
  Here (indented 4 spaces) it is::

    Moveit Tutorials for the PR2

    - :doc:`Kinematics</kinematics/src/doc/index>` shows the basics of using the C++ API for kinematics.

  This is the layout of the root document.

3) Sphinx also finds any other index.rst file in the tree and uses that.

To build sphinx docs
  rosdoc_lite -o /tmp/outputdir /path/to/package
  cd /path/to/package
  rosdoc_lite -o /tmp/outputdir .