


hinv        describe the host machine's hardware (cpu, mem, etc)
uname -a    print useful info about current IRIX version
swap -s     print swap space 
ps -elf     full process listing
stat <file> print info about file

sort        sort a stream
spell       check spelling

tar -xvf file.tar                         untar file.tar into current directory
tar -xvf - < file.tar                     untar from std input
tar -cvf file.tar file1 file2 file3 ...   create file.tar containing file1...

man control_codes - xterm & other control codes

            To create a .z man page from a .1 file type:
man -d path/<file>.1 > newpath/<file>
pack newpath/<file>
            Alternate method (not as good - no colors)
            To create a .z man page (searchable) from a .1 file (which is an
            nroff/troff file) use the following commands (note: rlogin to
            the sun machine curly: or shimp: to do this; nroff does not exist
            on the sgi's)
nroff -man file.1 > file.txt
pack file.txt 
