Hogwarts Wand Docs: ../server/spells.c

Wand Sourcecode: ../server/spells.c

// list of spells - #include this into a c file to use
// Copyright (C) 2006  Nathan (Acorn) Pooley
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License (gpl.txt) for more details. 
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
// You can contact the author, Nathan (Acorn) Pooley, by writing
// to Nathan (Acorn) Pooley, 949 Buckeye Drive, Sunnyvale, CA  94086, USA
// or through the form at http://www.rawbw.com/~acorn/wand/feedback.html
//#@DOC@ list of spells - #include this into a c file to use
//  Use like this:
//      #include "spells.h"
//      Spell spells[] = {
//      #include "spells.c"
//          {0},
//      };

// SPELL_FLG_VITAL - vital spell (used in game)
// SPELL_FLG_DUMMY - dummy spell to prevent false positives
// SPELL_FLG_BOOK  - used in the book in "how to cast spells" section
// SPELL_FLG_WAND  - use it in the wand
// SPELL_FLG_INFO  - has a spellinfo in wand, so do not create one
// NOTE: Only VITAL spells are included in wand by default
#define SPELL_FLG_VITAL     0x0001
#define SPELL_FLG_DUMMY     0x0002
#define SPELL_FLG_BOOK      0x0004
#define SPELL_FLG_WAND      0x1000

#define SPELL_FLG_INFO  0x2000
//#define SPELL_FLG_INFO        0x8000

// internal use only flags
#define SPELL_FLG_FIRST     0x0010

// clue spells
//  Need more tweaking attention:
//      spell           codes               notes
//      -----------     ------              --------
//      hufflepuff      SR
//      loop vs one     DSK                 get rid of loop or one??
//      metacarpus      D
//      noel            SR                  reverse loops - get 
//      poem            SRK                 reverse loops - kill poem or noel
//      sanctuary       SR                  reverse loops
//      prince          SR                  need to check 2nd version
//      shropshire      R
//      squirting       RS                  check against draconis
//      urn & sword     DS                  urn & sword are close
//  S = need more study
//  R = need to re-tweak
//  D = need mode spell cast data
//  K = look, into killing this one
//      rankle          K                   killed - is that OK?
//      uncle           DS                  *very* close to hush
//      emergency       K
//      inocardi        K
//      masochist       SK                  needed?
    { 0x3001,  30,  15, "archstones",   "alssdoms" },   // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  35,  30, "slytherin",    "sliholim" },   // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "hufflepuff1",  "huflduf" },    // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "hufflepuff2",  "hufolduf" },   // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "ravenclaw1",   "lafymkla" },   // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "ravenclaw2",   "lafymklo" },   // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,  50,  30, "gryffindor",   "glifimdol" },  // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  20,  15, "dormiens",     "dolmeyms" },   // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  10,  20, "republic1",    "ledudlik" },   // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  10,  20, "republic2",    "lidudlik" },   // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  10,  20, "republic3",    "lodudlik" },   // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  10,  20, "republic4",    "lududlik" },   // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "metacarpus1",  "mydukaldos" }, // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "metacarpus2",  "mydukaldus" }, // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "metacarpus3",  "mydukaldis" }, // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "metacarpus4",  "mydykaldos" }, // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "metacarpus5",  "mydykaldus" }, // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "metacarpus6",  "mydykaldis" }, // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,  80,  30, "unmixify",     "ummiksifa" },  // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  10,   1, "shropshire1",  "sladsol" },    // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  15,   5, "shropshire2",  "sladsel" },    // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "shropshire3",  "sladsal" },    // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,  25,  20, "banana",       "dumamu" },     // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  60,  10, "sanctuary",    "samksoyle" },  // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  25,  10, "squirting",    "skloldem" },   // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  60,  30, "insect",       "imsykd" },     // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  20,  15, "dynamite",     "damumad" },    // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  20,  10, "ziggurat",     "sigolad" },    // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  10,  10, "rowling1",     "lolem" },      // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  10,  10, "rowling2",     "lolim" },      // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,  15,  10, "chanters",     "samdols" },    // tweaked1

    // extras - needed??
    //{ 0x1001,  25,  10, "masochist",  "masokisd" },   // tweaked1
    //{ 0x1001,  25,  10, "masochist2", "masukisd" },   // tweaked1
    //{ 0x1001,  25,  10, "emergency",  "emolgymse" },  // tweaked1
    //{ 0x1001,  25,  10, "inocardi",   "imokalde" },   // tweaked1

    // needed to keep them from triggering spells
    { 0x3001,  25,  30, "draconis",     "dlakomis" },

    // Defence class: NOTE: USE BEST 5!!
    //  NOTE: put one and loop next to each other (or use only 1 of the two)
    { 0x3001,  10, 15, "wandy",    "lamde" },       // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,   8,  1, "urn",       "olm" },        // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  10, 30, "prince1",    "dlims" },     // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  10, 30, "prince2",    "dlimds" },    // tweaked1  2nd
    { 0x3001,   5,  4, "one",       "lum" },        // tweaked1
    { 0x3001,  10,  5, "sword",    "sold" },        // tweaked1

    // OK, but only need 5

    // reject
    //{ 0x3001,  15,  1, "lock",     "lak" },
    //{ 0x3001,   5,  3, "loop",     "lod" },       // tweaked1 trouble with one
    //{ 0x3001,   5, 10, "pear",     "dyl" },           // tweaked1  trouble with cheese
    { 0x3001,  25, 10, "gorilla",    "golilu" },    // tweaked1  hard

    // class 
    { 0x3000,  40,   5, "ankle",    "amkl" },       // tweaked1
    { 0x3000,  10,   3, "jaw",      "go" },         // tweaked1

    { 0x3001,  25,   1, "poem",     "doym" },       // tweaked1
    { 0x3000,  10,   5, "noel",      "moyl" },      // tweaked1 BAD

    // From book
    { 0x3004,  3,   1, "yay",      "ga" },          // tweaked1
    { 0x3004,  5,   1, "ask",      "ask" },         // tweaked1
    { 0x3004, 10,   1, "dad",      "dad" },         // tweaked1
    { 0x3004, 20,   3, "cheese",   "ses" },         // tweaked1
    { 0x3004, 20,  15, "hello",    "hylo" },        // tweaked1
    { 0x3002, 15,   5, "hush",    "hus" },          // tweaked1

    // rankle prevents false positives with ankle->dad
    //{ 0x1000,  10,   5, "rankle",      "lamkl" }, // BAD
    //{ 0x1000,  15,   1, "uncle",    "umkl" },     // tweaked1

    // extras
    { 0x3000,  10,  1, "fast",          "fasd" },
    //{ 0x3000,  10,  1, "slow1",           "slo" },    BAD - sword conflict
    { 0x3000,  10,  1, "slow2",         "slol" },

#if 0
    // old (bad) defense class
#if 1
    //{ 0x1001,  15,  1, "dear",     "del" },       // conflicts with cheese
    //{ 0x1001,  15,  1, "not",      "mad" },   // conflicts with no
    //{ 0x1001,  25,  1, "unix",     "gomiks" },    // conflicts with dormiens & prince
#if 0
    { 0x1001,  5,  2, "or",       "ol" },
    //more defence class
    //{ 0x1001,  15,  5, "poor",    "dol" },
    //{ 0x1001,  15,  5, "ring",     "lim" }, - CONFLICT WITH CHEESE
    //{ 0x1001,  15,  5, "sex",    "syks" }, - CONFLICT WITH CHEESE

#if 0
    // yes/no
    { 0x1001,  3,   1, "yes",      "gys" },
    { 0x1001,  3,   1, "no",      "mo" },

#if 0
    { 0x0000,  10,  30, "my",       "ma" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  30, "by",       "da" },

#if 0
    { 0x0002,  10,  10, "puzzle",       "dusl" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "goodbye",      "godda" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "flower1",      "flalol" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "flower2",      "flal" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "flower3",      "flaol" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "mombo",        "mamdo" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "sentimental",  "symdimymdal" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "fast",         "fasd" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "library",      "ladlyle" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "church",       "sols" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "squib",        "sklid" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "two_thousand_nimbus",  "dlohasamdmimdus" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "nimbus",       "mimdus" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "two_thousand", "dlohasamd" },

#if 0
    // see http://www.mugglenet.com/info/other/spells.shtml
    //{ 0x0000,  10,  10, "accio",       "akeo" },      // objects fly to caster
    //{ 0x0000,  10,  10, "getonaraftwiththeweasleys",      "ddd" },
    //{ 0x0000,  10,  10, "hogwartsandthedraconianprophecy",        "ddd" },
    //{ 0x0000,  10,  10, "lurempistrix",       "ddd" },
    //{ 0x0000,  10,  10, "lustrumpistrix",     "ddd" },
    //{ 0x0000,  10,  10, "relaxed alchemical dilettantes investigating kurious spells",        "ddd" },
    //{ 0x0000,  10,  10, "snapes psychic intelligence extraction syndicate",   "ddd" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "abera_cadabera","adlukadadlu" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "accio",        "asego" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "acciobrain",   "asegodlam" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "alakazam",     "alukasam" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "alohomora",    "alohomolu" },  // unlock doors
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "aparecium",    "adaleseum" },  // reveal invisible ink
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "apparate",     "adalad" }, // move from one place and appear 
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "astronomy",    "asdlamome" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "auror",        "olol" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "aurormonks",   "ololmumks" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "avada_kedavra", "ufadakydaflu" }, // destroy, kill (green light)
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "avis",         "afis" },   // conjour flock of birds
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "blinded",      "dlamdyd" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "blindedbyquidditch",       "dlamdyddaklidis" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "bones",        "doms" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "brain",        "dlam" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "breakfast",    "dlakfasd" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "briny",        "dlame" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "brinydeep",    "dlameded" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "broomstick",   "domsdik" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "coed",          "koyd" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "coedastronomy", "koydasdlamome" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "colloportus",   "kolodoldus" },    // lock a door
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "confundus",     "kamfumdus" }, // confuse
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "continental",   "kamdimymdal" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "continentalbreakfast",     "kamdimymdaldlykfasd" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "deep",         "ded" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "desmodus",     "dysmodus" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "desmodusrotundus",     "dysmoduslodumdus" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "device",       "defas" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "diffindo",     "difimdo" },    // reveal invisible ink
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "dissendium",   "disymdeum" },  // reveal a path - used for path 
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "draconian",    "dlakomeam" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "draconus",     "dlakomus" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "draconusdevice","dlakomusdefas" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "dumbledore",   "dumdldol" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "engorgio",     "ymgolgeo" },   // enlarge an object
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "ennervate",    "ymolfad" },    // revive, esp from stupify
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "evanesco",     "yfamysko" },   // make dissapear
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "expecto_patronum","yksdykdodadlomum" },    // conjour protector
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "expelliarmus", "yksdylemus" }, // make wand fly out of 
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "flagrinators", "flagimadols" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "golden",       "goldym" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "goldensnitch", "goldymsmis" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "hagrid",       "haglid" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "harry",        "hale" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "harrypotter",  "haledadol" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "hogwarts",     "hoglolds" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "incendio",     "imsymdeo" },   // create fire
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "legilimens",   "lygilimyms" }, // see memories from anothers 
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "longshots",    "lomsads" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "lowkey",       "lolke" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "lumos",        "lomos" },  // light from end of wand
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "lurem",        "lolum" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "lustrum",      "lusdlum" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "mcgonagal",    "mkamugl" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "monks",        "mumks" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "mudblood",     "muddlud" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "mudbloodandbones","muddludamddoms" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "orchideous",   "olsideus" },   // create flowers at end of wand
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "pears",        "dyls" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "petrificus_totalus","dydlifikusdodalus" }, // prevent victim 
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "pimp",         "dimd" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "pimpmybroomstick","dimdmadlomsdik" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "pistrix",      "disdliks" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "potter",       "dadol" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "prophecy",     "dlafyse" },
    { 0x1000,  10,  10, "quidditch",    "klidis" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "radiks",       "ladiks" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "ravenclaw1",   "lafymklal" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "ravenclaw2",   "lafymkla" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "reducto",      "lydukdo" },    // smash
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "relashio",     "lylaseo" },    // sparks/heat from wand tip
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "reparo",       "ledalo" }, // repair
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "rictusempra",  "likdusymdlu" },    // tickling - uncontrolled 
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "rotundus",     "lodumdus" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "scourgify",    "skolgifa" },   // clean
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "serpensortia", "soldymsolseu" },   // create snake from wand
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "snape",        "smad" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "snitch",       "smis" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "snout",        "smad" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "spies",        "sdas" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "stupefy",      "sdodifa" },    // stun (red light)
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "tickled",      "dikld" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "tickledpears", "diklddyls" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  10, "xxrated",      "yksyksladyd" },

#if 0
    // cannot use - too close to other spells
    { 0x0000,  10,  30, "daddo",       "dado" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  30, "daddy",       "dade" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  30, "piano",       "demo" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  30, "piano",       "deamo" },
    { 0x0000,  10,  30, "pono",        "domo" },


This file Copyright (C) 2006 by Nathan (Acorn) Pooley
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File created by do_doc at Wed May 30 03:28:52 PDT 2007