Hogwarts Wand Docs: ../web/Makefile

File: ../web/Makefile

# Makefile to generate the website

INSTALL_DIR :=  username@mymachine.com:public_html/wand

default: install

    @echo "TAGETS"
    @echo "------"
    @echo "default   - same as install"
    @echo "install   - make 'all' and then copy to rawbw"
    @echo "all       - make all targets (same as 'make website')"
    @echo "website   - generate all web pages into website directory"
    @echo "quick     - just generate index.html"
    @echo "just_install  - just copy website/* to rawbw"
    @echo ""

install: all
    scp website/* $(INSTALL_DIR)

just_install: FORCE
    scp website/* $(INSTALL_DIR)

all: website
    echo "Did all"

quick: FORCE
    mkdir -p $@
    ./do_doc -nosource
    cp *.html $@

website: FORCE
    mkdir -p $@
    echo "" > dummy.html
    cp *.html $@
    cp *.png $@
    cp *.jpg $@
    cp ../instructions/*.html $@
    cp ../instructions/*.png $@
    cp ../*.txt $@
    $(MAKE) -C .. dist
    cp ../*.tgz $@

    rm source.seds
    rm dummy.html



This file Copyright (C) 2006 by Nathan (Acorn) Pooley
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File created by do_doc at Wed May 30 03:30:56 PDT 2007