CMI Interdisciplinary
The CMI Interdisciplinary Unit
The following is a list of focus themes for classroom activities and discussion. These themes are categorized by subject areas: California History, Language Arts, Introduction to the Internet, Science, Math. When these documents are complete, each subject area will be available for downloading.
Mail us any comments you might have about our curriculum!
California History
- Travel in the 1700s: Imagine traveling along the El Camino Real (The Royal Road)...
- Native California Relations: Many Native Californians were unhappy at the missions...
- Mission Daily Life: A mission bell is rung at dawn...
- Spanish Culture: The padres believed that Native Californians needed to learn Spanish culture...
Language Arts
- Composing questions/comments for the cyclists.
- Creative Writing: Imagining travel in the 1700s.
Introduction to the Internet
- Electronic Mail: What is it and how does it get there...
- Electronic Mail Address: What does an email address look like?
- Kinds of Bikes: Mountain bikes and road bikes.
- Bicycles Have Gears
- Motors and Exhaust
- Traveling and the "Environment"
Math (Computer/Calculator Assisted)
- Distance/Time = Speed
- When will the cyclists arrive at Mission X?
- Miles and Kilometers
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