CMI cyclists Brian Wood and Matt Labovitz
Recently returned from an extensive self-contained bicycle tour in Mexico and Central America, Brian is presently living in San Francisco and working for the Institute for Global Communications. Since graduating fr om Tufts University ('91) with a double major in English Literature and Spanish, Brian has worked for a publisher of educational multimedia CD-ROM products, and as an English instructor for a grassroots immigrants' rights organization. In 1978 Brian studied the California Missions as a fourth grader at Walter Hays School in Palo Alto, California.
Role: Coordinator/Cyclist. Collaborate with teachers on integration of e-mail communications into the Missions curriculum. Act as liaison with Missions administration. Prepare post trip presentations and articles.
The Internet enables us to use computers as
windows outside of the classroom, not merely as tools for processing data
or presenting information. What really excites me is the experiential
aspect of CMI and other projects like it. The kids can be right there with us sharing our experiences and learning through them.
Grant applicant. Fourth grade teacher, Palo Verde Elementary School. Member of Palo Verde Technology Task Force, Palo Alto District Computer/Technology Committee and Telecommunications Users Group. David has taught for 14 years, the last 4 in Palo Alto . Integrating technology into the classroom has always been an interest from the early Apple II's and Commodore 64's to current video and Internet projects including CMI.
Role: Liaison between educators, administrators, support personnel and cyclists. David will participate in CMI with his fourth grade class.
Technology is a powerful tool educators can use with students. But it is a tool. It is a means to an end but technology is not the end itself.
Sysop of Tsoft Electronic Bulletin Board System. Russel is a former Palo Alto native (Cubberley '77) with backgrounds in high technology procurement and engineering. Current career emphasis is on computers in educati on, having been exposed to the Arpanet/Internet at Cubberley in 1975.
Role: Communications Advisor. Establish Internet accounts for the cyclists and the participating schools. Provide instruction and technical support for teachers.
Matt is a UC Santa Cruz graduate ('91) who has worked most recentely for Green TV Inc. as Financial Manager and part time video editor. He is a Macintosh hobbyist planning to pursue a career in multimedia CD-ROM authoring. Matt is also a experienced cy clotourist who has pedaled extensively in New England. Matt is another class of '79 Walter Hays Elementary School graduate.
Role: Cyclist. Contributor to CMI curriculum.
Currently a free-lance writer working on a prospective television series as well as a computer consultant in, among other things, web page design. Chris Hall has been involved with Macintosh computers since the original 128K Mac, and has extensive experience in word processing, database design, presentation graphics and the Internet. He has worked for such software companies as TSP International, Micro Focus, Aldus Corp. and Interactive Catalog.
Role: CMI home page designer as well as technical consultant to the project.
...the exciting thing about the World-Wide Web is how easy it is for a grass-roots project like California Missions Interactive to put its information on-line and be instantly accessible to millions of people all over the worl
This page created by Chris Ernest Hall and Brian Wood. Have comments, criticism or questions? Write to: or