Specifying Properties when Starting TiniHttpServer

The TiniHttpServer properties file can be specified by passing the name of the property file on the command line. For example, to use the sample properties file named /etc/server.props, you could start TiniHttpServer like this:

java /bin/TiniHttpServer.tini /etc/server.props

Inserting -v as the first parameter will cause TiniHttpServer to display its properties (assuming its output is directed to System.out). This is true even if you do not specify a properties file.

You can also start TiniHttpServer using the sample properties file by "sourcing" the sample startup script like this:

source /bin/TiniHttpServer

Note that there is no .tini extension on the startup script file name. The sample startup script starts TiniHttpServer in the background using /etc/server.props as the properties file.

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