The TiniHttpServer Transfer Log

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As of version 0.7, TiniHttpServer logs every completed (but not necessarily successful) request to the transfer log. This page describes the transfer log format and the transfer log location.

As of version 0.17, TiniHttpServer will truncate a log file once it reaches a certain size (10,000 bytes by default). This size can be changed and TiniHttpServer can be configured to email the log file before truncating it. For details about this, please read about Limiting the Size of TiniHttpServer Log Files.

Transfer Log Format

Each line of the transfer log has the following format:

remote.IP.address - authorized_user [date] "request" status_code content_length "referrer" "user_agent"

This is the IP address from which the request was received.


If the request included authorization information, the user name; otherwise "-"


This is the date and time of the request.


The is the first line of the HTTP request, which includes the HTTP method, the URI, and the HTTP version used.


This is the status code that was sent back to the requester.


This is the length of the content that was sent back to the requester, if known; otherwise "-"


The Referrer header, if any, from the HTTP request.


The User-Agent header, if any, from the HTTP request.

Some sample lines from a transfer log are shown here... - - [Sat Jun 3 20:44:16 PST 2000] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 1016 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)" - - [Sat Jun 3 20:46:23 PST 2000] "GET /servlet/OneWireServlet HTTP/1.0" 200 - "http://kumquat/" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)" - - [Sat Jun 3 20:49:08 PST 2000] "GET /servlet/OneWireServlet?adapter=TINISerialAdapter&port=TINI_1_Wire HTTP/1.0" 200 - "http://kumquat/servlet/OneWireServlet" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)" - - [Sat Jun 3 20:53:55 PST 2000] "GET /servlet/FamilyCode10Servlet?adapter=TINISerialAdapter&port=TINI_1_Wire&device=9200000014D2B710 HTTP/1.0" 200 - "http://kumquat/servlet/OneWireServlet?adapter=TINISerialAdapter&port=TINI_1_Wire" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)"

Transfer Log Location

By default, TiniHttpServer sends the transfer log entries to the place specified by the server.logFile property (which defaults to System.out). To send the transfer log entries to a different place, specify a filename for the server.trasferLog property. The sample server.props file specifies /logs/transfer.log as the transfer log file. To send the transfer log entries to System.out, even if the server log is sent to a file, set server.transferLog to "-".

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