Larry Alden Hinshaw

                                                   ┌── John Robert Hinshaw
                                                   │    1877-1957 
                       ┌── Willard Alden Hinshaw ──┤
                       │    1916-1991              │
                       │                           └── Nora Agnes Cook
                       │                                1878-1950 
Larry Alden Hinshaw ───┤
B: 1942                │                           ┌── Charles R. Davis
                       │                           │
                       └── Thelma Opal Davis ──────┤
                            1909-1989              │
                                                   └── Myrtle Alward
M: Maxine Trujillo
   ├── Jerri Lynn Hinshaw (1965-) 1,2
   ├── Stephanie Lee Hinshaw (1969-) 1,2
   └── John Joseph Hinshaw (1972-2002) 1,2

M: Janet Ann Franco

Larry Alden Hinshaw     [ID 10016] Click here to switch to Ahnentafel view: Ahnentafel View

Born Sep 28 1942.1,3  

He married Maxine Trujillo, May 9 1964.1  

He then married Janet Ann Franco, Jul 4 1993.1  Janet was born 1954.3  


  1. Contribution from Donna M Berry.
  2. Obituary of John Joseph Hinshaw.
  3. U.S. Public Records Index;

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