Email Discussion Group Instructions

Use the Correct Email Address

We have three distinct email addresses. Please be careful and take note of our various addresses and use them appropriately:


To subscribe, send an email message as follows: You will receive an automated return email as a confirmation.

Posting Messages to the Group

To post a message to our discussion group, send it to the Discussion List

Message postings will only be accepted from registered members (there will be no spamming from advertisers to our group).


If you want to unsubscribe (we'll miss you), then send email as follows: You will receive an automated return email as a confirmation.

Stopping and Starting Mail

If you want to temporarily stop receiving email from our group (have fun on vacation!), then:

If You Change Your Email Address

If you change your email address for some reason then you will no longer be able to post messages or receive messages from the group. Only registered members can participate in the group, and your membership is identified by your email address.

So you should unsubscribe before you terminate your old email account, following the Unsubscribe procedure above. When your new email account is active, you can then re-subscribe following the normal Subscribe procedure above.

If you forget to unsubscribe before terminating your old account (or if you can't for some reason) then you will be stuck. The Request Server will not authorize an unsubscribe command coming from anybody else, so it will be too late to unsubscribe after your old account is terminated. If this ever happens, your only recourse is to send email explaining the problem to the Group Coordinator A real human, with magic powers to fix such problems, will receive this mail and will take care of things. Please try to avoid this situation.


Is is possible to receive digests of discussion list group postings rather than the normal one-email-per-posting format. Since our discussion list generally does not have lots of traffic, most people will prefer the normal email mode. However if you would prefer Digest Mode then here's how it can be done:

Sorry to confuse things even more, but this involves yet another email address! Send a "subscribe" command to the Digest Server: Use this address only to control your DIGEST subscription: to subscribe or unsubscribe. Do not post discussion messages to this address! This address is an automated system - no actual human will ever read mail sent to this address.

Commands for the Digest Server are exactly the same as those used for the Request Server: "subscribe" or "unsubscribe".

Postings to the group Discussion List are made in exactly the same way regardless of whether you are subscribed in Digest Mode or not (you will still post group messages to All postings to the Discussion List are automatically sent to everyone subscribed to either normal or digest mode (or both if you subscribe both ways!).

To switch between normal and digest modes you must first "unsubscribe" from one and then "subscribe" to the other.


Genealogical data to be added to our database is always welcomed of course. Contributions of general interest should be addressed to the group Discussion List Other members of the group will appreciate being able to share your contribution. Contributed data in group message postings will be noted and added to the database.

If you think it might not be of general interest, or if you're not sure, then send it to our Group Coordinator

Click here for more details: Contributions

Help - Comments - Suggestions

If you need anything else then send email to the Group Coordinator

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