I spent appx. 2 hours browsing Google search results, quickly rejecting most stuff because it's not really C++ (it's C), or because it's not for Unix (it's for Windows only), or because it's something other than a basic set of routines for access to CGI service from C++. I almost downloaded each of three, but then after much investigation I finally rejected each and moved onward in the Google search results: Looks good, fully OO, but too large so I haven't tried it yet: http://www.webthing.com/cgiplusplus/ Looks simpler hence better for my purpose, but still large: http://hjs.geol.uib.no/CplusPlus/ Looks more "together", but specific for Linux, not FreeBSD Unix: ftp://ftp.cgicc.org/ Finally I picked this one and downloaded it: http://www.p3ptools.com/?category=cplus Then I modified it to generate Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional per this validator service: http://validator.w3.org/ and added a routine copy_value to copy the value from get_value so that returned values don't clobber each other.