Ideas for projects I'd like to work on, preferably with somebody else helping me:
For cellphone mostly
For desktop/laptop only
For both equally
(To inquire further about any of these ideas, contact me.)


CarPool picture ID
PublicTransit trip plan
Efficient Twitter client
Efficient Google-image client
Crop images


EmploymentNetwork Cooperative Images/romance Information-access Software-training
Job ads: Tag&filter
WPA over InterNet
Introduction chains (please name at least one person more famous than yourself with whom you have frequent communication)
ReverseTree for filtering

SmallTask futureMarket
Set-barter algorithm

FaceSimilar DB/net (maybe simulate describing suspect to police and then viewing line-up of faces that match)
Dating: Independent dual match: Photo attraction, and topic penpal/discussion

(Information access)
Google/Yahoo add-on to organize search results
Questions+answers heirarchially local
Tune recognizer

(Software training)
Intentional datatypes, library of available software libraries
No-syntax programming


Face+name+know ID
ChineseChar input
Public-key certificates
Turing tests to filter out spambots
E-mail via CGI/PHP, protected from spam
Prioritize netEvents
E-mail-adr autoConfirm
Watcher for discussion-forum postings & newly arrived e-mail & music on radio
FAQ/SQWA DB/search
Truth futures market
Twitter hashtag dictionary
Twitter-GCD: Each time you tweet, you get back a set of similar tweets.
Twitter spam filter
TV logs
Password memory


Form local and regional peer-help groups in geographical heirarchy. User first submits main keywords to check if question is already in system. If not, edit the query to complete a meaningful question. If question can't be answered in local group, feed into larger-region group.


Real-life-acquaintance trust-links: People (over 18) post their "profile" (name+photo+howknown), and link to other people's profiles. Computer automatically finds shortest path(s) between any two people.
More details (for full screen)