** Start of listing of h1-cmucl.cgi ** #! /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/lisp --noinform --no-sysinit --load h1.lisp ** End of listing of h1-cmucl.cgi ** Here is the directory entry for that file: -rwx------ 1 rem user 70 Nov 13 2021 h1-cmucl.cgi ^ Note user execute permission needed for all CGI scripts. ** Start of listing of h1.lisp ** (prog (sc mi hr da mo yr months month ip path) (format t "Content-type: text/plain~%~%") (multiple-value-setq (sc mi hr da mo yr) (get-decoded-time)) (setq months '("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec")) (setq month (nth (+ -1 mo) months)) (format t "The date&time is currently ~4d.~a.~2,'0s ~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d ~ in California.~%~%" yr month da hr mi sc) (setq ip (cdr (assoc :REMOTE_ADDR *environment-list*))) (format t "The IP number ~A is where your client/browser is located.~%~%" ip) (setq path (cdr (assoc :PATH *environment-list*))) (format t "The PATH is ~A currently~%(the only environment variable ~ common to both CGI and login).~%" path) (exit)) ** End of listing of h1.lisp ** Here is the directory entry for that file: -rw------- 1 rem user 759 Nov 13 2021 h1.lisp ^ Note user execute permission *not* needed for separate program files.