** Start of listing of h2.ft ** WriteLine "Content-type: text/plain;charset=us-ascii". WriteLine "". Set qs to GetEnvironmentVariableValue("QUERY_STRING"). WriteLine "Query string [", qs, "]". Set ixd to FindString("date",qs). # WriteLIne "Needle is 'date', index is ", ixd. IF ixd>0 THEN WriteLine "GMT is currently [", GetGreenwichMeanTime(), "]." ELSE WriteLine "You didn't ask about 'date' this time.". Set ixi to FindString("IP",qs). # WriteLIne "Needle is 'IP', index is ", ixi. IF ixi>0 THEN WriteLine "Your IP address is [", GetEnvironmentVariableValue("REMOTE_ADDR"), "]." ELSE WriteLine "You didn't ask about 'IP' this time.". Set ixn to FindString("name",qs). # WriteLIne "Needle is 'name', index is ", ixn. IF ixn>0 THEN WriteLine "My name is Robert Maas." ELSE WriteLine "You didn't ask about 'name' this time.". ** End of listing of h2.ft ** Here is the directory entry for that source file: -rw------- 1 rem user 815 Mar 19 2008 h2.ft ^ Note user execute permission *not* needed for source files. Assuming ft is the name of the Flaming Thunder compiler, and it is runnable directly from the command line, do this: % ft FILE h2.ft OUTPUT h2-ft.cgi then you might also have to do this: % chmod u+x h2-ft.cgi which results in: -rwx------ 1 rem user 24576 Mar 19 2008 h2-ft.cgi ^ Note user execute permission needed for all CGI programs. (because compiled-ft is native machine code run directly on machine)