** Start of listing of h3-perl.cgi ** #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI qw(:standard); print "Content-type: text/plain;charset=us-ascii\n\n"; $qs = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; print "The query string is $qs currently.\n\n"; $fn = param('firstname'); print "The value of firstname is $fn here.\n"; $ln = param('lastname'); print "The value of lastname is $ln here.\n"; $sr = param('square root of 2'); print "The value of square root of 2 is $sr here.\n\n"; print "Hey $fn $ln, would you rather I call you $ln, $fn?\n"; print "And do you really believe the square root of 2 is exactly $sr?\n"; ** End of listing of h3-perl.cgi ** Here is the directory entry for that file: -rwx------ 1 rem user 543 Feb 28 2007 h3-perl.cgi ^ Note user execute permission needed for all CGI scripts.