Out now: 555BK87 + 555CD88 - THE WETHERBEAT SCENE 88-91
35 song CD and 40 page book featuring all the bands connected with the legendary scene. Featuring the first ever studio recordings of HOOD and BOYRACER as well as pre-Boyracer outings such as Baby Doll Lounge and The Liddles, and the stunning previously undocumented Harbour Pilots and Paisley Springtime. The book is hilarious and informative, featuring comments from all the key players from the era, with lots of embarassing pictures of everyone looking very young and cute and a lovely glossy colour sleeve too. CD equally attractive in glossy card gatefold. NOTE: THE BOOK IS LIMITED TO 200 RETAIL COPIES, available for a limited period bargain price of $10 + shipping from www.myspace.com/therealboyracer
Thanks!Hi! We're proud to announce to you the second exciting installment of our series 100 is ready to roll. The Boyracer has LP sold out, but we do have a few copies left of the NERVOUS REX LP, (Andrew "Beatnik Filmstars/Groove Farm" Jarrett) if you missed it.
The individual price for one LP has slid up by 50c, but still a reasonable $13 for such a small (and expensive) vinyl pressing, I hope you will agree. Although if you buy both they are $23 together, (and postage for one LP is the same as postage for both). Quite a bargain considering the Boyracer LP was already made an appearance on ebay for $40... There a samples of songs from both LPs, and they are available at http://wwww.myspace.com/555recordingsofflagstaffaz555LP82 HULABOY "Olympic krush on (the) Hulaboy"
Hulaboy, (for those who weren't sure), is Eric "Hula Hoop" Stoess, and
Stewart "Boyracer" Anderson. For this, the 3rd full length, hot on the
heels of the much adored, (by those who actually managed to hear it), CD
"The Genius Of (The) Hulaboy" we've upped the ante on our finely crafted
mix of US Americana and UK twee. Accomplished musicianship, oblique
lyrics, 2 voices, 1 vision. 14 tracks. $13.00
555LP83 THE BRIGHT LIGHTS "Drunker than you since '002"
For those familiar with The Bright Lights you may already know what an
incredible live experience they can be, but possibly you don't own any of
their recordings. Mainly because there aren't very many, and those that do
exist are pretty hard to track down. Frank, for all his frustrating
faults, is a songwriter of immense (flawed) potential. This LP collects
works from 2001 up until now, and is a remarkable listen. From the
crashpunk early recordings brilliance to the later heartfelt and choking
acoustic sincerity. 17 tracks. Essential. $13.00
or BOTH LPS - $23
Thanks for your support!
Stewart, Jen and Tallulah XXX
AT LAST! The first installment of the 555 SERIES 100 - a series of numbered vinyl LPs. silk screened sleeves, quality songs unsurpassed in the current indie climate, as you would expect from 555. These records will sell out quickly, the idea being we can keep going without a bunch of unsold records weighing us down...
(Limited to one copy each per person, to hopefully prevent them turning up on ebay for twice as much in 2 months time)
BOYRACER "Sunlight Is The Best Antiseptic" 555LP80 - $12.50
***100 numbered copies, vinyl LP***
With as many songs that we have committed to vinyl and CD over the years as Boyracer this seems the perfect place to call it quits. 12 songs we are extremely proud of, and probably a close to perfection as it will ever get in terms of song clarity, depth and commitment. Cracking buzzpop, honest to a fault as ever. There is a sample song "The Heartbreaker" up on our myspace site.
(THE) NERVOUS REX "We're A Garage Band From Modern England" 555LP81 - $12.50
***100 numbered copies, vinyl LP***
Andrew Jarrett should need no introduction to most of you. He is responsible for some of the greatest modern independent tunes from the past decade and a half. From the Surf-Mod cool of THE GROOVE FARM, thru Slo-Fi kings KYOKO, to the perennially great BEATNIK FILMSTARS, Andrew never disappoints. This is his "solo" LP in a garage punk Pebbles vein, (and as close to the Groove Farm as he has visited for quite some time). Stunning songs, samples and more info at Myspace.com/thenervousrexsmusic
ALSO - Jen has been busy! There is a selection of hand crafted T-Shirts and Babyracer onesies. These will be made to order, and you can select size and style (3 different mens, 2 different womens). There are sample photos of the designs in our photo album on our myspace site in the "Racer Apparel" folder...These will be offered for a limited time only.
All Available from www.myspace.com/therealboyracer
I hope you enjoy these new releases. Thanks for your support.
At the pressing plant right now: HULABOY "Olympic Krush On The Hulaboy", BRIGHT LIGHTS "Drunker Than You Since '02", HUON "!!!"
Hello Friends. I've been enjoying the fact over the past year I have been putting the best material of my "career" on little split 7inches that no-one will buy. Its been pointed out by several of the Racer-faithful what an unstoppable full length we would have made if we had stuck them all together. But, you know us by now. We've made a career out of shooting ourselves in the foot. So, here's another two 7inches for you not to buy...
Split release with Jellyfant records of Germany. The Cannanes have copies with them if you are lucky
enough to see them in the next couple of weeks in USA or Mexico. 300 pressed, and we only have 100
copies left. All exclusive tracks, fantastic songs and stunning sleeve design by David Nichols. (European orders can contact jellyfant.de)
3 of my favourite ever Boyracer tracks, and 2 breathtaking Que Possum tracks. With a frigging
glow-in-the-dark record sleeve too. C'mon people! For those who have yet to experience QP they are
sort of like an upbeat lo-fi Unrest. Theres an mp3 at myspace.com/555recordingsofflagstaffaz CHECK!
A BIG THANKYOU to anyone who came to see us in Gainesville this weekend also. We were great! I can honestly say hand on heart it was one of the best shows we have ever played, largely due to the wonderful Jay Shuster, who played his heart out on drums. Wonderful.
Boyracer should be playing Athens Popfest in August. We got bumped off the New York Popfest, but thats okay. The Bright Lights got bumped off too so I am assured I am still in with the right crowd. (But you should go see The Cannanes if you are in NYC- they didn't get bumped)
The 7inches are available from myspace.com/therealboyracer
Thanks for your support!
Stew, Jen, Tallulah XXX
New releases:
This is the greatest compilation you will own. 32 track 94 minute CASSETTE, booklet and button badge AND ONLY $5. Simply stunning! Featuring: Akina Kawauchi (Kanda), Ashtray Boy, School Of
Two, Hulaboy, Sarandon, Mia Schoen Group, Lazy Stripper, Bad Animal, Que Possum, Mytty Archer, Stick
Insect, Shout The Tiger, Mint Car, Fellows (ex-Plastic Mastery), Like Chandeliers, The Faintest Ideas, Powerful Owl (Huon), Tracey Read, Arland Nicewander (Kanda), The Cannanes, Dr Konig Arthus, Flywheel,
Boyracer, Green Apple Sea, Goto80, The Hundred Thousand Fireflies, New Estate, The Young Untold, Forest Giants, The Declining Winter (Hood), Beatnik Filmstars, and The Grey Tapes.
Difficult to pronounce even in the native Swedish tongue, LöGNHALSMOTTAGNINGEN is the collaborative effort of Stewart Anderson (instruments- BOYRACER, etc.) and Martin Cannert (vocals -The Faintest Ideas). Drawing deeply on Martin's impeccable knowledge of Swedish punk and hardcore and Stewart's insatiable thirst for the DIY punk pop adventure this 7 song EP was recorded though the post Summer 2007 after the initial concept was born and pursued to a satisfying
conclusion. The songs come at you at 100 mph:- 7 songs in 8 minutes, hardcore DIY punk, tight and taught, (with too much treble). An already anticipated release by those in the know,this small run edition of just 300 numbered copies is split between 4 labels:- 555 (USA), Promenade (Swe), Slumberland (USA) and Yellow Mica (Swe). We have just 100 copies, But be quick punk!
Releases are available from http://www.myspace.com/therealboyracer
New Releases now available through PayPal:
Mytty (Pronounced "Mighty") Archer is Jen's AWESOME new band- 4 songs in 5
minutes- direct pop. WOW, GO GIRL! Flip it over and you get 2 pedigree
Racer songs one of which has a crazy fuzzwah guitar sound I'm very proud
of. 200 copies.
It had to happen at some point, a split with our much respected lofi
transatlantic cousins. 3 tracks each, all exclusive, and very cheeky label
artwork that may just get us into trouble at some point. Racer songs are
brisk and bright, Beatniks lead song "Exs and Zeros" is sincerly one of
their best in a back catalogue of impressive calibre. 250 copies.
You can listen to some of it at http://www.myspace.com/therealboyracer. The Myyty Archer split is a corelease with Brittle Records, and they also have copies at http://www.brittlerecords.com.
We also have some specially priced CD bundles available:
BOYRACER "Check Yr Fucking Hi$tory", THE PLASTIC MASTERY "Sverige", LOLITA STORM "Studio 666 Crack Addict Commandos", THE NEEDLES "Choc Toxique", THE GREY TAPES debut, OTHER PEOPLES CHILDREN "delete control command", 555CD55 - 55 Band Compilation CD, MMFAN316 "pop music with matrix", PARK "bemusement", ESCARGOGOS "noussomme???".
ORIGAMI "Please Exit Quietly", JEAN BACH "Smugglers Downloading Genoveva DMS Tapes",Various Artists - You Gotta Get More Alive Compilation, LUCKY DRAGONS "Dark Falcon",THE BRIGHT LIGHTS, AUSTRALIAN POPFEST compilation, KANDA "It's A Good Name For You", TRENDLENBERG "please bad woman", SNOW FAIRIES "feel you up", JEN TURRELL "one night the stars began to fall...", POSSUM MOODS "debut CD".
FOG AND OCEAN debut, LUNCHBOX "Summer's Over", CANNANES "Felicity", LOVELETTER BAND "Ugly Town Pretty Girl", Knowing We Was Right From Da Start
complilation, SAUCER CD, STEWARD "Horselaugh on My Ex", SEASICK CROCODILE "the destructive art of embarrassing myself", CABRINI "show offs get hurt",
KELLY SLUSHER "the lonely leave", INVITED TO DINNER various artists.
555 Recs Six 7" LIMITED bundle
55534 HALKYN "winterhill" 7", 55533 SISTERHOOD OF CONVOLUTED THINKERS "Help Me Catch This Fly" Picture Disc 7",55532 KANDA 7" "Dormitory Heartbreaks" (whitevinyl), 55529 LESSER / PISSTANK 7" (yellow vinyl), 55528 CEX "Get Your Badass On" 7" (yellow vinyl), 55526 HUON "Tragedy" 7" (silver vinyl)
555 Recs Seven LPs LIMITED
555LP35 Various Artists - The Wedding LP Picture Disc, 555LP26 Joan of Ass 10 inch EP (red vinyl), 555LP23 Cex - Role Playa (yellow vinyl), 555LP21 The Cannanes - Communicating at an Unkown Rate Picture Disc LP, 555LP19 The Aislers Set - The Last Match LP (white vinyl, no sleeves left), 555LP18 Huon - Disco Square 10" (gold vinyl) 555LP13 Crabstick - Discoverooster LP
Thanks for your support!
Stew and Jen
Dear Friends, A Happy New Year to you! To celebrate we have 3 new releases. All CDs are "real" factory pressed is very sexy digipaks and are all limited to 300 copies worldwide. Please also note these releases are only available from us, as we have no distribution anymore. Should you need additional persuading, you can listen to samples from each release at: http://myspace.com/555recordingsofflagstaffaz
(Note: The first 50 people purchasing all 3 discs will receive an additional numbered free CD with exclusive songs from each band)
555CD74 POSSUM MOODS (2nd full length) 12 track CD
Stunning girlpop, high on melody and thrills from Mia Schoen (Sleepy
Township, Huon, New Estate etc) and Jen Turrell (Boyracer, Rabbit In Red
etc). Confident and upbeat deliveries from this celebrated Aussie/Yank
collaboration. Also featured on the CD are the vocal talents of Miss
Tracey Read, and the rocksteady drumming of Stewie Boyracer..
555CD70 HULABOY the genius of the... 15 track CD
Only 10 years since the debut Hulaboy full length on the now defunct
Harriet recs. For the young and uninitiated Hulaboy is Eric Stoess,
formerly of Kentuckian guitar slingers Hula Hoop and myself, Stewart from
Boyracer. The songs are a worthy clash of Southern Americana and Northern
UK indiefluff. But again, most assuredly POP.
European customers: This CD is a co-release with
Parapop Records of Germany, and may also be purchased
from: www.parapop.de
(Pick up the new Parapop sampler and Boyracer 12inch
and 7inch too whilst you are there)
555CD75 BOYRACER flickering B+W - 15 track CD
What can I tell you about Boyracer that you possibly don't already know?
The songs are a little longer, maybe lyrically more mature, and possibly
overall more audible than previous offerings. This is our 10th full
length, and we're very pleased with it.
If just wanting just one or two, or some additional (cheap) back catalogue you can purchase CDs though http://indiepages.com/boyracer/mailorder.html.
Stew + Jen
Note: We have a limited stock of mail order available again - payment via PayPal, please check it out!
Friends, just a quick note to let you know that the stunning new 7" single from THE HOW("Happy Matt" c/w "I Was A Boy") is out now on Slumberland Records. For those as yet unfamiliar with THE HOW, they comprise of myself and good friend Matt Hartmann (Henry's Dress, Cat Power, Coachwhips etc), doing revved up Who-inspired Mod-rock circa '65-'66. It looks and sounds quite amazing- here take a peek, listen to the MP3 then go and buy it!
Other news:- After the stunningly poor sales of the last 555 releases, (erm...134 worldwide sales of our "Greatest Hits" double CD heh hehe), myself and Jen have kinda given up interest in continuing to put out real records and stuff as Boyracer. We're still recording lots, and haven't by any means given up making music. Right now I've just no desire to go through the motions of trying to get our songs into the shops anymore. The world doesn't really need another Boyracer CD, and "A Punch Up The Bracket" was our finest hour. (Even if that one only sold 212 copies worldwide!). There probably will be some limited mailorder releases, as we have tons of songs recorded still. Cassettes, lathe cuts, small runs etc... I do find it quite amazing we have twice as many Myspace "Friends" as we manage record sales nowadays.
Anyways, I hope I don't sound too maudlin. I'm actually feeling pretty good about where I am right now. As most of you know I'm a cowboy, and have 350 cows to look after. Which is more exciting to me nowadays than watching the slow and painful death of indie.
Having said that, we are about to press (300 copies) of the HULBOY CD and the POSSUM MOODS CD. Not to contradict myself within almost the same breath, I am doing this before we give up for good because they are stunningly great songs. Jen will also be releasing her Mytty Archer CD before the year is out.
Again, these will probably only be available from us.
So let us know if you are interested still.
Stewart + Jen
PS Check out our Myspace site if yr into that kinda thing.
Been a while since I've had chance to write a quick update the website, such is my new life with cows. However, we do have a couple of new, and as always, exciting releases available now through Darla.com
A long time since conception to realization, mainly due to missing masters and licensing problems, but here it is at last. And quite nice looking it is too, with 16 page booklet, (very fancy by our standards of course)... Some of the better bits and my prouder Boyracer moments from our glittering indiepunk career spanning 2 discs. Check Darla for full track listing and more information. It's $13.00, which works out around 17 cents a song.
(And whilst you're at it)
Don't forget to pick up your copy of our new CD A PUNCH UP THE BRACKET, (555CD72). Sincerely the best Racer to date. There's a surprisingly glowing and accurate review here:
And whilst you're in the spending mood check out the BEATNIK FILMSTARS new CD "In Great Shape" (as both the above have sold spectacularly poorly. Heh heh)
Coming soon:
POSSUM MOODS (555CD74) Brilliant 2nd full length from Jen Turrell and Mia Schoen.
Boyracer have also contributed a B52s cover "Give Me Back My Man" to the current Little Darla 2xCD comp. Beatnik Filmstars also feature. Avail thru Darla now.
There's also a demo version of "More Than Most" on the compilation "Pop The Question" on Book Club records, which has moved from Brisbane Australia to Manchester UK recently. The comp is made up of bands that feature married couples, but is a little on the twee side overall. The David Nichols/Mia Schoen track is stunning, also worthy of a spin are our friends Her Name In Lights, Kanda and Ashtray Boy. The rest I can take or leave. More info: bookclubrecords.com
February 2006 will see the resurrection of our (ahem)groundbreaking record label 555.
A new P+D deal though Darla has enabled us to release new material with established distribution. Firstly, we have a brand new BOYRACER 21 song CD called "A PUNCH UP THE BRACKET". Released at the same time is a BOYRACER 75 song double compilation CD "PUNKER THAN YOU SINCE '92", AND we will also release a brand new CD from BEATNIK FILMSTARS, "In Great Shape", their 1st full length of new material in 7 years! (Full descriptions below). This doesn't however mean we are accepting demos all of a sudden. It's likely we will only use 555 for our own and our friends releated releases. Anyways, we're still very excited about it all, and especially our NEW CD which is sincerely our best yet. Just like a fine wine, the Racer keeps on getting better and better. Anyhoo, Merry Xmas everyone!
Love Stew and Jen XXX
555 RECORDINGS - 555CD71
Distributed by Darla
After a gap of seven years, UK indie-popart noisesters BEATNIK FILMSTARS are back with an exciting new 23 track album "In Great Shape". Between 1990 and 1998 the Beatinks embraced the DIY ethic to the maxium, racking up an impressive back catalogue of releases and tours, as well as 5 highly acclaimed sessions for John Peel. The Beatniks have at times been overlooked and unfairly judged as 'the English Guided By Voices', due to their embraced Lo-Fi/home recording techniques. It must be pointed out however whereas GBV where a rock band, the Beatniks Filmstars are most assuredly a POP band. And there is a difference.
In frontman Andrew Jarrett the Beatniks have a bonafide unsung hero with an enviable songwriting caliber. Very British in approach, overloaded with pop hooks, melody, noise, and pure feverish creativity, Andrew Jarrett is unafraid to redefine his band with each release. A new kind of Lo-Fi that's pleasing on the ear!
During the seven year gap, the Beatniks have been far from lazy, all working on various other projects in their native Bristol (UK). This has reaped much benefit to the band, whose new release is as refreshing in its vigor and direction as the classic mid-90s Beatniks.
2006 will see the band take to the road in the UK.
"Neither The Fall or Pavement have sounded this alive in half a decade!" (Chicago Tribune)
"Bar room socialist is hazy, dreamy and lovely in a Ray Davies way." (New York Press)
What's most enjoyable about B.F is that they're unpredictable in all ways but one: they consistently turn in excellent work, and reveal a startling amount of creativity with each subsequent release." (CMJ)
For further information:
BOYRACER "A Punch up the Bracket"
555 RECORDINGS - 555CD72
2006 sees a brand new full length, (their 8th in 16 years), from transatlantic transplanted indie punkers Boyracer. With a new breadth of instrumentation to hand, core members Stewart Anderson and Jen Turrell have assembled their most accessable, cohesive and inventive full length to date, and by doing so, building upon their historic fuzzed up 90s lo-fi roots.
"A Punch Up The Bracket" includes a smattering of the trademark Boyracer blitzkriegs that they are known for, interspersed with several structured acoustic popsongs, and more complex rhythms than previously attempted. Intact and upfront throughout is Boyracer's established melodic content, with assured vocal delivery from Stewart and Jen. Also included on the recordings are Ara (Saturday People/Castaway Stones etc), Chuck (Bright Lights), and Swedish guest star Martin (Javelins).
Often misunderstood and criticized for their pop-brevity, this time around Boyracer deliver their longest full length to date, with 21 songs clocking in at a staggering 45 minutes!
"Lead racer Stewart Anderson is brilliant at channeling not just indignation and rebellion, but also a bittersweet feeling of longing"
Erasing Clouds
"Boyracer, still the prefects of the pop punk perfect, whose labours have been in danger of giving 'indie' agood name for so long now."
In Love With These Times
"Boyracer is an institution-- maybe not The Beatles, but The Kinks, at least."
Pitchfork Media
"Boyracer releases have a much higher signal-to-noise ratio now than they did in the '90s,. another small triumph in a discography that's already chock full of small triumphs."
Mundane Sounds
For further information:
BOYRACER "Punker Than You Since '92"
555 RECORDINGS - 555CD73
Distributed through Darla
Since the early 1990s Boyracer have existed around the singular pop visions of Stewart Anderson. Armed with a selection of fuzzboxes and a carefree revolving door line up, Boyracer have been carefully crafting their buzzsaw assault, shaving seconds off frantic slithers of adrenaline punk-pop. Noted recordings on numerous indie-cred labels such as Sarah Records and Slumberland, and brutally honest sweaty live performances have cemented Boyracer's place in global indiedom as influential stalwarts of the genre.
This double disc set, on the band's own 555 Recordings label, features 75 selections from their exhaustive back catalogue. The tracks chosen (by Stewart) span the bands global history from Leeds UK to Flagstaff Arizona, via stints in Japan and Australia. Forever embracing the DIY ethic to excess, Boyracer are known for their completist's nightmare of a back catalogue, (with nearly 500 songs on commercially available releases to date). "Punker Than You Since '92" includes much of the bands best known and strongest material coupled with long out of print tracks, (including the impossible to find debut 7inch unavailable anywhere since its release in 1992). There are tracks from strictly limited releases too, such as 2005's lathe cut 10inch LP (which was a pressing of 75 copies worldwide). The compilation is a welcome round-up for long diehards, a chance to fill in some gaps for the casual observer, and is also a perfect introduction for the new and curious to one of indiepop's longest standing and respected bands.
For further information:
BOYRACER's new CD - "Insults and Insights" is available now on Kittridge Records. Please order direct from Doug or from Darla Records. It's 8 songs, 24 mins and a sexy 3 inch fan CD with swish artwork. Boyracer also have a new 8 track double grooved 7inch "It's Not True Grit It's Real Dirt"- It's a 5 label split thru 555/parapop/phonostatique/happy happy birthday to me/yellow mica. It will be availble at the shows, and then from the labels when we get back tour. We have no distro for this release...
Tour dates!
All shows with the wonderful Mia Schoen (SLEEPY TOWNSHIP / HUON, etc.) and Tracey Read (Chapter Music / Perth Australia)
- For these dates BOYRACER will be Stewart, Jen, Ara and Chuck. Come along and say hi if you can....
Stew + Jen
Boyracer + Mia Schoen + Tracey Read US tour in June! See the Tour page for details!
New Releases for May 2005:
55542 BOYRACER - It's not True Grit, it's Real Dirt
8 track 7inch (DOUBLE GROOVED VINYL!)
Re-release of Popgun cassette.
12 tracks, working title "Steers And Queers And Hulaboys"
Split release with Phonostatique (Brisbane Australia) and Parapop (Germany)
As of March 2005 space limitations have encouraged us to start throwing away all the old 555 and Red Square stock. As we now have no distro and are owed money by many, we really don't need / can't sell 500 Bright Lights CDs, 600 Downpour singles or 800 Lolita Storm
CDs, etc... There will be no sales or discount, as we feel that cheapens the music and isn't really fair on the few who paid full whack. We will however throw free stuff in at our discresion if you do order anything. We are throwing boxes out randomly over the next few months, so if you do want anything please order sooner rather than later.
Stew and Jen
P.S. if you are in a 555 band and we havent contacted you already and you want your stock at cost, let us know a.s.a.p.
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