Steps for setting up a new computer


    bash ./bootstrap.bash


Install Linux

See one of the following references to

Setup SUDO

Add the following line to the /etc/sudoers file by running "visudo" as root:

(replace <username> with your username on the machine you are setting up)

ALSO: if tty_tickets appears on the Defaults line, turn it off with an exclamation point. For example change:


Also, to avoid typing passwords, add the NOPASSWD: part to any lines which deal with groups that you are a member of (lines starting with %).

Setup Networking

See these networking tips to set up networking on the computer.

Install cvs, make, gcc, etc

Make a backup copy of /etc/apt/sources.list sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.orig edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add a line for 'universe'

Install the following:

Here it is in a single command:

Note: whitedragon =


This worked on Lion with XCode 4.3.2

Update System Software

In apple menu do "Software Update...". Do NOT blindly install all the updates! Click "Show Details" to see what is available. Just update the Mac OSX system software. (Optional: you can update other programs if you want to. Avoid updating iTunes.)

Download takes a long time. Do NOT close the laptop lid or the download will halt. Run the "System Preferences..." (from Apple menu) and set the "Energy saver" settings to never sleep when on adaptor power. When the download is complete you can set this back to a sane value.

Get XCode

Run Finder. Click Applications. Run "App Store". Search for "xcode". It should be a free download. You will need an "AppleID". That should be free too (giving them a credit card number is optional and I skipped it). Click on "Xcode" and then click it again when it says "download" or "install". It will not show you download progress. To see download progress run "App Store" again and click "Purchases" (in the "Store" menu). This will show you download status.

The download took about 2.5 hours. Again, do not close the laptop and set the power manager to not sleep while it downloads.

Set up to use gcc

When XCode is downloaded and installed you have gcc, but you cannot use it. You need to

Install cvs

I could not find cvs for mac. I downloaded the source from and extracted it. Before running ./configure you must

Then configure, make, sudo make install should work. You may want to use --prefix=/usr/local . The default when I ran it installed it inside the /Applications/ tree which worked but is a little annoying because now I don't know what came from the Xcode app and what came from cvs.


Install cygwin

Install extra cygwin packages

To install extra cygwin packages that you did not install in the preceding step, just re-run the cygwin.exe program. Follow prompts (as if you are installing all over again). When prompted, select extra packages you want. Continue answering prompts. When done, the new SW is downloaded and installed.


Boostrap mybin (replace CVSROOT with your own cvs server root)

Setup ROOT

setup bashrc in the /etc and /root directories with the following commands:

(Note: there is no need to setup the etcdir in ~/mybin/env/etcdir)

Setup X Windows

Setup the keyboard repeat rate with

If you are using an nvidia card, download the nvidia linux driver from and run the install script. It is quite painless and easy and seems to work well. You will want to have the following entry (or something similar) in /etc/X11/XF86Config (follow the instructions from the installer program):

If you are using an ATI card, install the r128 driver (or other driver). You will need a device section in etc/X11/xorg.conf like this:

Add resolutions to the "Screen" section. Add the resolution(s) you want to use to each SubSection. For example:

If you are using a PS2 wheel-mouse then setup your /etc/X11/XF86Config file with the following entry:

If you are using a 2-button mouse or laptop then instead use the following entry:

Setup twm Window Manager

Install twm

Set the default window manager to twm with the command

Setup hdparms (speed up hard disks)

WARNING: This command can potentially destroy data on your hard drive!

Optimize the hard drive performance by adding the following line to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit:

See the man page for hdparm for more info.

Alternatively if you are using Redhat and have the hdparm-RPM installed, there is a file /etc/sysconfig/harddisks with default values (and optional files like /etc/sysconfig/harddiskshda with specifics for each drive). Place the following in that file:

Install additional software

Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment any lines for deb-src or for stuff that you may want to install.

Install additional software

Install additional software you might want. Some places to look for software:

Some software you might want:

Additional info

Here are some more places to look for info: