Setting up networking on a new computer (Linux)


Note: see windows_networking.html for info on windows networking

The GNOME/RedHat GUI way

Use the following GUI tools to setup networking. Setting up networking with an ethernet cable is easiest. Even with PCMCIA cards RedHat Linux seems to be able to set up networking with the default kernel.

The commandline way

There are a bunch of command line programs for setting up networking

Type "ifconfig" to get a list of network interfaces. The "lo" interface is the loopback interface (not useful for connecting to the internet). If you see "eth0" or "eth1" or something that looks like it might be a wireless interface then the kernel part is set up and you just need to configure the IP address, netmask, etc. For that look at 'man ifconfig' and 'man dhclient.conf' man pages.

If you do not see any "eth0" or "eth1" etc interfaces when you type 'ifconfig' then the module for your hardware is not loaded. You can try using the GUI methods above. Also try

See the man pages for more info.

Modifying the files

Here are the files affected (this is on Redhat and maybe other systems):

After updating files type

DHCP setup

Static IP setup

Inserting modules

You may have to insert modules to get networking to work. If you type 'ifconfig' and do not see 'eth0' or 'eth1'... then the module is probably not loaded. Try one of these: