DRUID Development Docs: Makefile

File: Makefile

# Justice Unlimited Gadget Makefile
# Copyight (C) 2004, Nathan (Acorn) Pooley

default: all    ;   

    echo "-------------------------------------"
    echo "OPTIONS:"
    echo "   n=          - show all commands"
    echo ""
    echo "TARGETS:"
    echo "   all         - (default) files needed to build gadget"
    echo "   gcodes.sstr - build gcodes.sstr"
    echo "   ju_convert  - build ./ju_convert tool"
    echo "   bak         - make a backup of all files (uses ./do_bak)"
    echo "   docs        - make documentation files (uses ./do_doc)"
    echo "   qdocs       - make documentation files quickly (uses ./do_doc)"
    echo "   doc_install - copy documentation to rawbw server"
    echo "   help        - print this message"
    echo ""

PROGS   :=  ju_convert  \
            codegen2    \

DATA1   :=  gstrings.inc
DATA2   :=  gfuncs.inc      \
            gdefs.inc       \
DATA    :=  $(DATA1)        \

OTHER   :=  tags
all: data progs other

data: $(DATA)   ;   
progs: $(PROGS) ;   
other: $(OTHER) ;   

.PHONY: progs data other all

$(DATA2) gdata.dep:
    \rm -f gstrings.inc gdata.dep

gstrings.inc: gadget_strings.str ju_convert $(DATA2)
    echo "Converting $@"
    ./ju_convert -i $< -s $@ -f gfuncs.inc -d gdefs.inc -c gschar.inc -p gdata.dep
    touch $@

gcodes.sstr: gadget_codes.sstr codegen2
    echo "Creating $@"
    ./codegen2 > $@

%: %.c
    echo "Compiling $@"
    gcc -g -o $@ $<

tags: $(PROGS)
    echo "Making tags"
    ctags *.c *.asm *.inc

force:  ;   

.PHONY: force help bak backup doc docs doc_install docs_install clean

bak backup:
    echo "creating backup"

doc docs:
    echo "creating documentation"

qdoc qdocs:
    echo "creating documentation (not updating source files)"
    ./do_doc -nosource

doc_install docs_install:
    echo "Copying docs to server"
    scp ju_gadget_docs/* destination

    echo "Cleaning"
    \rm -f gadget.COD gadget.HEX *.err *.o *.lst ju_convert.exe
    \rm -f *.seds *.dep

ifeq ($(strip $(findstring clean, $(MAKECMDGOALS))),)
-include gdata.dep

n       :=  .SILENT
$(n) silent_dummy:

This file Copyright (C) 2004 by Nathan (Acorn) Pooley
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File created by do_doc at Wed Aug 4 18:14:47 2004