Searching For Info?

The best resources for information on basketball are listed below:

NBA Basics: The NBA Rules

Official rules of the NBA, along with court dimensions.
Massey Ratings Ken Massey calculates team ratings for college and pro basketball, as well as making predictions. Ken Massey is prominent because his method is used in the BCS College Football ratings.
Association for Professional Basketball Research The APBR is a site with a lot of historical information about basketball. It is a good site for answering and asking questions. (They have more time than I have.)
APBR Discussion Group This is a good place to ask questions about the history of the game. The people here are very responsive.
APBR Analysis Discussion Group This is the more analytical arm of the APBR, discussing numbers a bit more than the APBR. A good place to ask questions.
Doug Steele's NBA Stats Doug updates his stats daily. You can also have him send you boxscores on a daily basis. Occasional minor errors, but a great service.
Sportsline's NBA Coverage Their coverage is the easiest to work with and probably the most complete in terms of stats and info. Their play-by-play info is invaluable for some basketball research.