
DownLinks (198.144.nnn):
If the first two bytes of your own WebSite's IP number are 198.144, but its third byte is not listed above, please volunteer to host your own third-level section of this distributed ComplainToWhom database, or provide me with a single address for complaining about spam from your entire class-C net.

If you do see all first second and third bytes of your own IP number listed above, if it's a link to a third-level section then please bookmark that URL, otherwise if the first two bytes of your IP number are 198.144 then bookmark the URL of this second-level section, otherwise if the first byte is 198 then follow the appropriate side-link below and follow instructions there as to which URL to bookmark, otherwise follow the up-link later below.

If you are trying to complain about spam from an IP number whose first two bytes are 198.144, but whose third byte is not listed above, please try to find some other anti-spam activist with a WebSite whose IP number has the first three bytes the same as the spammer's, then try to convince that activist to host his/her own third-level section of this distributed ComplainToWhom database.

SideLinks (198.nnn but not 198.144):

If the first byte of your own WebSite's IP number is 198 but the second byte is not listed above, please volunteer to host your own second-level section of this distributed ComplainToWhom database.

If you are trying to complain about spam from an IP number whose first byte is 198 but whose second byte is not listed above, please try to find some other anti-spam activist with a WebSite whose first two bytes are the same as the spammer's, then try to convince that activist to host his/her own second-level section of this distributed ComplainToWhom database.


If the first two bytes of your own IP number aren't exactly 198.144, and you're just getting started, looking for the appropriate section to bookmark, you should never see this WebPage at all!! If you are here because you bookmarked this WebPage because your own IP number starts with 198.144, but the spammer's IP number doesn't, see below:

If the first two bytes of your own IP number are exactly 198.144, but the first byte of the spammer's IP number isn't 198 at all, follow the up-link above then use a side-link to switch over to the appropriate toplevel section according to the first byte of the spammer's IP number. If the first byte of the spammer's IP number is 198 but the second byte isn't 144, you shouldn't have gotten to this point in this WebPage, because you should have already used a side-link to switch over to a different second-level section. Go back up to the side-link section, NOW.

ALERT: You have reached the end of the InterNet. There is nothing more for you to see.