DRUID Development Docs: gadget_help.str

File: gadget_help.str

# Justice Unlimited Gadget Strings and Menu Definition File
# Copyright (C) 2004, Nathan (Acorn) Pooley

#@DOC@ gadget helpfiles

MENU mode_help "M>Help Menu"
mode_help_druid     "What is DRUID?"
mode_help_do        "What can DRUID do?"
mode_help_light     "Backlight"
mode_help_codes     "Help with Codes"
mode_help_news      "What is news?"
#mode_help_status   "What is Get Status?"
mode_help_name      "Why enter team name?"
mode_help_onoff     "Why DRUID turns off"
mode_help_batt      "Replacing batteries"
POP                 "Main Menu"

TEXT mode_help_batt POP
"The batteries in"
"DRUID should last"
"until the end of"
"your adventure."
"However, if you use"
"the Backlight too"
"much then DRUID may"
"run out of power."
"Therefore if the"
"batteries are"
"getting low DRUID"
"will not allow you"
"to turn on the"
"DRUID will also"
"turn itself off"
"after a while."
"When DRUID is off"
"you can get back to"
"where you were by"
"turning the knob."
"You can also RESET"
"DRUID by clicking"
"the knob when it is"

TEXT mode_help_onoff POP
"DRUID will turn"
"itself off after you"
"have not moved the"
"knob for a few"
"seconds.  This is to"
"save battery power."
"When DRUID is off"
"you can get back to"
"what you were doing"
"by turning the knob,"
"or you can get back"
"to the MAIN MENU"
"by clicking the knob"

TEXT mode_help_druid POP
"Hello!  I am DRUID."
"Device for Recovery,"
"Understanding, and"
"Interpretation of"
"Data.  Use me to"
"aid in your super-"

TEXT mode_help_do POP
"DRUID can help you"
"in a number of ways:"
" \b DRUID will help"
"    you locate clues"
" \b If you enter"
"    the code"
"    included with"
"    each clue then"
"    DRUID might be"
"    able to help"
"    you solve it."
" \b DRUID can provide"
"    information that"
"    you might need"
"    to solve a clue."
" \b DRUID knows lots"
"    of other things"
"    that you may (or"
"    may not) find"
"    useful."
" \b DRUID can give"
"    you news about"
"    recent Superhero"
"    related events."
" \b DRUID will give"
"    you hints for"
"    solving clues."

TEXT mode_help_light POP
"To turn on the"
"display's Backlight"
"click and hold the"
"knob in until the"
"light turns on."

TEXT mode_help_status POP
"Status mode tells"
"you how long your"
"team has been in"
"the field."

TEXT mode_help_news POP
"News gives you"
"updates on the"
"latest develpments."

TEXT mode_help_codes POP
"Enter codes whenever"
"your team finds a"
"clue.  Entering"
"codes will trigger"
"mission briefings!"

TEXT mode_help_name POP
"Enter your team name"
"so I know who I am"
"talking to!"

This file Copyright (C) 2004 by Nathan (Acorn) Pooley
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File created by do_doc at Wed Aug 4 18:08:47 2004