During the cyclists' two week trip they used e-mail to remain in constant communication with several fourth grade classes in the San Francisco Bay Area. This was a two-way conversation in which the cyclists sent reports about their journey to the classes and the students replied with questions and observations about the trip. A grant from the Peninsula Community Foundation provided CMI the means to rent and buy necessary equipment for the project. The cyclists used an Apple Quick Take 100 digital camera to create images of the bicycle tour which were delivered electronically to participating classes. Aside from California history, California Missions Interactive included a variety of subject matter corresponding to the bicycle tour in our endeavor to create an interdisciplinary unit.
The CMI team travelled by bicycle because this mode of transportation emulates the horse and foot journeys that the early Spanish missionary/explorers often undertook between the Missions. In one day the cyclists covered roughly the same distance as their historic counterparts and arrangements were made for them to sleep in some of the Missions. Bicycle travel exposed the CMI cyclists to some of the same hardships that the early travelers encountered such as inclement weather and fatigue. It also presented many contrasts like busy roads and a greater abundance of food, water and shelter. Participating fourth grade classes were introduced to the idea of "eco-tourism" or environmentally conscious travel by considering the environmental impact of bicycles as opposed to cars, planes and trains.
This page created by Chris Ernest Hall and Brian Wood. Have comments, criticism or questions? Write to: briwood@igc.apc.org.org or CHall88432@aol.com