
Producer: Dean Oliver

Dean has helped coordinate the development of multimedia intranets for Philips Multimedia and for the environmental consulting firm, Environ. Other than that, he's pretty much faked it.

Writer: Dean Oliver

Dean has been writing about his research in sports since 1986, including some work for Basketball Digest and the unpublished book, Basketball Hoopla, which is reprinted in its entirety here. He has also been a prolific contributor to numerous scientific journals in risk analysis and environmental modeling, but no one reads those things.

Art Design: Dean Oliver

Dean has been fiddling with art ever since he nearly got thrown out of fingerpainting class in kindergarten for "using the world as my canvas". Finally, someone showed him Adobe Photoshop and that made all those images in his head a little easier to look at.

Programmer: Dean Oliver

Dean has been formally trained in exactly one computer language, C, which means that he has formally forgotten exactly one language, C. However, in its absence, he has become quite proficient in Java, Javascript, Visual Basic, Fortran, and Pascal (and SQL, if you call that a language). He has written at least 1000 programs in various languages, some of which have been many thousands of lines long and most of which have actually worked. He occasionally produces useful programs that can be downloaded from this site by maniacal readers who cannot just sit back and read -- nooo, they have to actually check the calculations in the journal, then criticize when the program has a slight bug.

Marketing Director: Dean Oliver

Marketing basically means blabbing to the world that you have a good product and convincing the world that you should be paid for it. The blabbing is done, the convincing is in progress.

(Updated 5/2005) All those responsibilities above paid off to the point that I now work in the NBA supporting a coaching staff and management. But I don't have time to keep this site up.


Publication Schedule

(updated 5/2005) Rarely anymore with my job in the NBA.

Note that no hard copies of articles are available by contacting me. If you want some, feel free to print the documents through your browser. Postscript versions of the Basketball Hoopla are available.

Finally, I should say that I have great appreciation for the many people who have written in to support this work and which is leading toward the publication of a book. I will certainly let people know as this comes about.

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