- Assignment 0 was setting up account on voyager and setting up directories both on lab system and on voyager (no link).
- Assignment 1a was making template.html
- Assignment 1b was making index.html (see home-page link below)
- Assignment 2 is where you are here now.
- Assignment 3 is making assign3.html with more of the same already done here and in home page, almost but not quite finished Jul.07, finally finished Jul.12.
- Assignment 4 is updating template.html to include doctype header, then making assign4.html which has various kinds of lists.
- Assignment 5 is collecting several images then flowing text around them in various ways, in two files, assign5.html which links to assign5b.html
- Assignment 6 is playing with tables in assign6.html which links to assign6b.html
- Assignment 7 deals with frames in assign7.html which links to several files.
- Assignment 8 is feedback form in assign8.html

(Not an assignment, but might be interesting: Demo of _top and _parent in frames)

- Midterm exam WebPage is in test.html

- Final project, tourist attractions in SF bay area, starts with projhome.html which then links to several other files.

Link back to home page (Some more links are there.)

E-mail to my CalRobert642 account
Copyright 2004 by Robert Elton Maas (I'm not using a smaller font because I don't know how and it hasn't been discussed in class and fonts might be depricated anyway.)