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898. Los Vaqueros Watershed and Morgan Territory (10/12/13)

Hikers (22): Alan, Brad, David, Giulia, Helen, Hima, Jackie, Jeff, Karl, Kathryn, Mike, Nick, Peter, Peter E, Ralph, Ramesh, Ross, Rufina, Russ, Sarah, Shuli, Steve
Distance: 20 miles
Rating: 4 difficulty, 8 beauty
Park info: Los Vaqueros near Livermore

Peter owes a writeup! -- Pictures by Alan W, Giulia, Karl, and Rufina

The Evil Mastermind who came up with this hike

We were all hiking together for the first 5 minutes ...

... then all hell broke loose -- crapfest!!!

"Are we going backwards?"

"I think there's some sort of trail here!"

"I don't need no stinkin' trail!"

Maybe Ralph should have stayed on trail!

Eventually we found trail and started heading up ...

... and up ...

... and up ...

... and a little down before yet more up ...

Nice view of the backside of Diablo showing the recent burn area

Looking to eat some wayward hikers

All the critters were out on this day

What would Sparky do?

This sort of looks like an arrow, so ...

... this must be the way to go!

Finally, the end is in sight!

But not before walking along an endless gravel road to get back to the windmills

Giulia's 40th leaf
Peter's 470th leaf
Peter E's 60th leaf

Pages maintained by Steve Walstra, Peter Saviz, and Russell Gee.
©2024 Intrepid Northern California Hikers