DRUID Development Docs: ginit.inc

Gadget Sourcecode: ginit.inc

; Justice Unlimited Gadget Microcode
; (C) 2004 Nathan (Acorn) Pooley 
; ginit.inc
;@DOC@ initialization code

;############### INIT #######################

    ; This gets called upon reset

    movlw   HIGH main_jump_end  ; must end in 0 bank
    iorlw   HIGH putc_jump_end  ; must end in 0 bank
    btfss   STATUS,Z
    bra     error_table

    clrf    T0CON           ; make sure timer0 is stopped (for sync)
    clrf    INTCON          ; disable interrupts

    ; PORTS
    clrf    ADCON0          ; A/D off
    movlw   0x06
    movwf   ADCON1          ; PORTA bits are digital IO

    setf    LATA            ; set all port A outputs
    clrf    TRISA           ; PORTA is all outputs
    setf    TRISB           ; PORTB is all inputs
    setf    TRISC           ; PORTC is all inputs

    movlw   0xc0            ; PORTC = 1100 0000
    movwf   LATC            ; RC0 = 0 spinner disable
                            ; RC1 = 0 display disable
                            ; RC2 = 0 light disable (parallel only)
                            ; RC3 = 0 sound
                            ; RC4 = 0 ir disable
                            ; RC5 = 0 serial IO
                            ; RC6 = 1 TX
                            ; RC7 = 1 RX
    clrf    INTCON2         ; reset all interrupts
                            ; (also enables PORTB weak pull-ups)
    clrf    INTCON3
    clrf    PIR1
    clrf    PIR2
    clrf    PIE2
    clrf    IPR2
    clrf    PIE1
    clrf    IPR1

    bsf     b_rbip          ; PORTB is hi priority
    bsf     b_tmr0ie        ; enable timer0 interrupt (low pri)

    movlw   0x93
    movwf   RCON,0          ; enable interrupt priority,
                            ;   set !power on reset bit
                            ;   set !brown out bit

    ; time is synchronized here!!!
    ; NOTE: DO NOT JUMP HERE. To sync time jump to init (above)
    ;   (interrupts must be disabled)
;   btfss   PORTB,0         ; if portb bit 0 is held low, then
;   bra     time_sync_wait  ; wait until it goes high to sync clock


    ; timer0
    movlw   0xc4            ; 11000100
    movwf   T0CON           ; init timer0
                            ; running
                            ; based on instruction clock
                            ; 8 bit timer
                            ; 5 bit prescale
                            ;   (wraps 1x per second)
    clrf    TMR0L
    clrf    v_time_addsec   ; extra seconds
    clrf    v_time_s        ; seconds
    clrf    v_time_m        ; minutes
    clrf    v_time_h        ; hours  (start at -1)  

    clrf    v_cluenum

    movlb   BSR_DEFAULT     ; set BSR to default value

    setf    PORTA
    clrf    v_ssbuf_ptr

    lfsr    FSR0,BUF_SIMSERIAL
    clrf    INDF0
    decfsz  FSR0L
    bra     init_ss_clr
    clrf    v_hang_state
#if 0
    clrf    v_oerrcnt_restart
    clrf    v_oerrcnt_noack
    clrf    v_oerrcnt_en_retry
    clrf    v_oerrcnt_bus
    clrf    v_oerrcnt_wcol
    clrf    v_oerrcnt_nosspif
    clrf    v_cnt_turnon
    clrf    v_cnt_outenab
    movlw   80
    movwf   v_en_delay

    ; setup other variables
    clrf    v_bits1             ; turn all general purpose bits off
    clrf    v_bits2

    clrf    v_func_event1       ; set all functions to NOP
    clrf    v_func_event2
    clrf    v_func_event3
    clrf    v_func_default
    clrf    v_errno

    bsf     b_gieh
    bsf     b_giel

    btfss   but_testmode
    bra     testmode

    rcall   init_mode       ; set welcome mode and init stack
    bsf     b_turn_off      ; turn off (not sleep)
    bra     turn_off

This file Copyright (C) 2004 by Nathan (Acorn) Pooley
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File created by do_doc at Wed Aug 4 17:53:09 2004