DRUID Development Docs: gadget.asm

Gadget Sourcecode: gadget.asm

; Justice Unlimited Gadget Microcode
; (C) 2004 Nathan (Acorn) Pooley 
; gadget.asm
;@DOC@ Main gadget source file - includes all other files

    include <def_18252.inc>

    __CONFIG    0x300001,0x20
    __CONFIG    0x300002,0x0d
    __CONFIG    0x300003,0x0e
    __CONFIG    0x300005,0x01
    __CONFIG    0x300006,0x81
    __CONFIG    0x300008,0x0f
    __CONFIG    0x300009,0xc0
    __CONFIG    0x30000a,0x0f
    __CONFIG    0x30000b,0xe0
    __CONFIG    0x30000c,0x0f
    __CONFIG    0x30000d,0x40


    include <gdefs.inc>

#define SIM                 0       ; 1 = using simulator
                                    ; 0 = using hardware

#define DEBUG               1
#define DEBUG_BITS          0
#define REPORT_ERRORS       1
#define SIMULATE_SERIAL     SIM     ; disable serial
#define TEST_INPUT          0       ; just run NOPs when input occurs
#define CHECK_TABLES        1       ; ensure table does not cross
                                    ; page boundaries
#define SIMULATE_INPUT      SIM     ; use rb0, rb1, rb2 to sim input
#define USE_PUTL            1       ; use putl instead of clear scrn
#define ENABLE_TEST_MODE    0       ; enter test mode if B4=0
#define INTERNAL_WATCHDOG   1       ; watch for hangs
#define SIMULATE_NOTIMEOUT  SIM     ; do not turn off automatically
#define SIMULATE_BP         SIM     ; use sim breakpoints
#define USE_ENTMASK         1       ; use entry mask
#define PARANOID_PUTC       1       ; latch data more carefully
#define QUICK_TURNON        1       ; check spinner more often

#define default_mode        mode_main_menu

                                    ; TODO: when does game really
                                    ; start???
GAME_START_HOUR     EQU     10      ; GAME STARTS at 10am

SS_TX_ADDR          EQU     0x50    ; transmit address for display
SS_RX_ADDR          EQU     0x51    ; receive address for display

    ;  debounce time = 0.1 sec
    ;  use prescale of X4
    ;  ((32768/4)/4) * 0.1 = 204
DEBOUNCE_CNT            EQU     204     ; was 204
HOLD_CNT                EQU     10      ; 10X debounce count (1 sec)

SLEEP_NOSPIN_TIME       EQU     136     ; time spinner is off
OFF_NOSPIN_QTIME        EQU     175     ; time spinner is off (QUICK)
OFF_NOSPIN_TIME         EQU     1       ; 1 sec between checks when off

TURN_ON_WAIT_TIME       EQU     10      ; debounce on button

BSR_DEFAULT             EQU     1       ; bank1 is default

SLEEP_TIME              EQU     2       ; SLEEP after this long with
                                        ; no input activity (sec)
SLEEP_OFF_TIME          EQU     14      ; Sleep time before off (sec)
SLEEP_OFF_TIME_LIGHT    EQU     4       ;  ... faster if light on

;############### VARIABLES ##################

    include <gvars.inc>
    include <gmacros.inc>

;############### VECTORS ####################

    ; RESET
    org     0x0000
    goto        init

    org     0x002e
bp_sim_input:   ; after display is updated
bp_input:       ; when new input is about to be processed
bp_load_mode:   ; start of load mode
bp_load_mode2:  ; just before branching based on mode type

    ; high priority interrupt - button inputs
    org     0x0008
    movf    PORTB,w         ; get bits
    bcf     b_rbif          ; clear interrupt condition
    movwf   INDF1           ; store into buffer
    incf    FSR1L,f
    bsf     b_got_input     ; signal input is pending
    andwf   v_bnopush,w     ; deal with clicks?
    bnn     isr_button      ; more to do if button is or was pushed
    retfie  1

    ; low priority interrupt - timers, etc
    org     0x0018
    movwf   v_isr_save_w                ; save registers
    movff   STATUS,v_isr_save_status

    btfsc   b_tmr0if                    ; timer0?
    bra     isr_timer0

    btfsc   b_tmr2if                    ; timer2?
    bra     isr_timer2

    ;bra        error_badint_low        ; cannot do this - b_tmr2if may get
                                        ; cleared by higher priority interrupt

;############### isr_return #################
    movf    v_isr_save_w,w
    movff   v_isr_save_status,STATUS

    org     bp_end

;############### MAIN JUMP TABLE ############

    ; function table
    ; jump to function indexed by w

    movwf   v_tmp
    addlw   LOW -(func_max+1)
    btfsc   STATUS,C
    bra     error_jump
    movf    v_tmp,w

    include <gfuncs.inc>


#if SIM
    nop     ; this is so main_jump_end != putc_special

    goto    snd_hi_l
    goto    snd_med_l
    goto    snd_lo_l
    goto    fn_sync_1

;############### SPECIAL CHARACTER TABLE ####
    ; special characters
    movf    v_putc_save_w,w
    andlw   0x7f                ; take off hi bit
    addlw   LOW -((putc_jump_end-putc_jump_first)/2)
    btfss   STATUS,N
    bra     error_bad_sc

    movf    v_putc_save_w,w
    addwf   v_putc_save_w,w     ; double it (removes hi bit and 
                                ;          double for jump table)
    addwf   PCL


    include <gschar.inc>


;############### INTERRUPT SERVICE ##########

    include <gtime_isr.inc>
    include <ginput_isr.inc>

;############### TIME #######################

    include <gtime.inc>

;############### INPUT ######################

    include <ginput.inc>

;############### ERRORS #####################

    include <gerror.inc>

;############### OUTPUT #####################

    include <gout_par.inc>
    include <gout_com.inc>
    include <gread.inc>

;############### MODE #######################

    include <gmode.inc>
    include <gcode.inc>
    include <gpuzzles.inc>

;############### EVENTS #####################

    include <gevent.inc>

;############### OTHER STUFF ################

    include <gutil.inc>

;############### INIT #######################

    include <ginit.inc>

;############### MAIN LOOP ##################

    include <gmain.inc>

;############### TEST #######################

    include <gsound.inc>
    include <gtest.inc>

;############### DATA #######################

    include <gstrings.inc>
    include <zend.inc>  

;############### BAD PC ERROR ###############

    org     0x7ffc
    goto    error_badpc

;############### END ########################

This file Copyright (C) 2004 by Nathan (Acorn) Pooley
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File created by do_doc at Wed Aug 4 17:51:28 2004