DRUID Development Docs: ginput.inc

Gadget Sourcecode: ginput.inc

; Justice Unlimited Gadget Microcode
; (C) 2004 Nathan (Acorn) Pooley 
; ginput.inc
;@DOC@ handle low level input from spinner and button

;############### HANDLE INPUT ###############

; port b:
;    bit   desc
;     7    button lo=pressed
;     6    spinner A
;     5    spinner B
;     4    button  lo=pressed (not used (?))
;  1ssx_xxxx  - spinner bits
;  0000_0000  - button was released
;  0000_0001  - button was pressed (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
; v_spinmax    = max value for v_spinval (min value is 1)
; v_spinval    = current value of spinner (1...v_spinmax)
; b_spinchange = spinner changed
; v_bval       = current value of buttons
; b_got_input   = set when input buffer is not empty

    ; NOTE: ENTRY POINT IS BELOW (see input:)
    incf    v_inbuf_ptr,f
    movf    INDF0,w
    bn      input_spin      ; not a button event?

    ; button press/release
    ; TODO - if anything other than button release is supported, then
    ;          decode it here
    bsf     b_got_input     ; may have more input to process
    movf    v_func_btn0_click,w ; button clicked?

    bra     ti_button_released
    bra     main_jump

    movff   v_spinval, v_spinval_old
    xorwf   v_bval,w        ; which ones changed?
    xorwf   v_bval,f        ; save new value
    movff   v_bval,v_tmp    ; copy of new value

    btfsc   WREG,6
    bra     input_6

    btg     WREG,5          ; toggle bit5
    btg     v_tmp,5         ; toggle bit5

input_6:        ; bit 6 toggled
    btfsc   WREG,5
    bra     input_next      ; both or neither bits toggled

    rlncf   v_tmp,w
    xorwf   v_tmp,f         ; new bits the same or different?

    btfss   v_tmp,6
    bra     input_dec

    movf    v_spinval,w
    subwf   v_spinmax,w     ; max value? - wrap or clamp
    bnz     input_inc_go
    decf    v_spinval,f     ; counteract increment (clamp)
    btfsc   b_spinwrap
    clrf    v_spinval       ; wrap if enabled
    incf    v_spinval,f
    incf    v_spinval,f     ; extra inc (because we fall through dec)

    ;bsf        b_spinchange
    decf    v_spinval,f
    bnz     input_next

    ; underflow - wrap or clamp it
    incf    v_spinval,f             ; clamp
    btfsc   b_spinwrap
    movff   v_spinmax,v_spinval     ; wrap

    movf    v_spinval,w         ; only set bit if actual change
    subwf   v_spinval_old,w
    btfss   STATUS,Z
    bsf     b_spinchange

    ; reset auto-off timer
    rcall   reset_sleep_time

    bcf     b_got_input
    lfsr    FSR0,BUF_INPUT
    movf    v_inbuf_ptr,w
    movwf   FSR0L
    subwf   FSR1L,w             ; empty?
    bnz     input_loop          ; loop while input buffer not empty


;############### INPUT SETUP ################

    ; turn input off
    bcf     b_tmr2on        ; timer2 off
    bcf     b_rbie          ; disable portb interrupt
    bcf     b_got_input
    bcf     b_spinchange
    clrf    v_bheld

    ; turn off power to spinner

    ; empty input buffer
    clrf    v_inbuf_ptr
    lfsr    FSR1,BUF_INPUT      ; input buffer

    ; set input functions to do nothing
    clrf    v_func_btn0_click       ; button click func
    movlw   func_spin_ignore
    movwf   v_func_spinchange       ; button click func


    ; init input and enable it
    ; v_spinval_init = initial value of v_spinval
    ; v_spinval_max  = max valid v_spinval value
    ; clear things by disabling input first
    rcall   input_disable

    ; timer2 setup
    movlw   DEBOUNCE_CNT
    movwf   PR2             ; period
    movlw   0x01            ; timer2:
                            ;   off
                            ;   postscale = 1
                            ;   prescale  = 4
    movwf   T2CON
    bsf     b_tmr2ie        ; enable timer2 interrupt

    ; auto-off timer
    rcall   reset_sleep_time

    ; initial values
    ;  NOTE: v_spinval_max MUST be set before calling input_enable
    ;  v_spinval is not affected here
    bcf     b_spinwrap      ; spiner cannot wrap

    ; turn on power to spinner
    bcf     disab_spinner

    ; internal input values
    clrf    v_oldb
    setf    v_bdebounce
    setf    v_bnopush
    setf    v_brelmask

    ; PORTB state
    movf    PORTB,w
    movwf   v_bval          ; current spinner state
    bsf     b_rbif          ; cause initial interrupt
    bsf     b_rbie          ; enable portb interrupt

    movff       v_bval,v_si_oldb


This file Copyright (C) 2004 by Nathan (Acorn) Pooley
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File created by do_doc at Wed Aug 4 17:53:20 2004