DRUID Development Docs: gvars.inc

Gadget Sourcecode: gvars.inc

; Justice Unlimited Gadget Microcode
; (C) 2004 Nathan (Acorn) Pooley 
; gvars.inc
;@DOC@ Variable and Bit definitions

;############### STRUCTURES #################


STYPE_MASK          EQU     0xc0

; TEXT mode structure
MTYPE_TEXT          EQU     0x40
s_TXT_LEN           EQU     0x00    ; size of entire structure
s_TXT_CNT           EQU     0x01    ; number of lines (also TYPE)
s_TXT_STR_HI        EQU     0x02    ; string id of first line
s_TXT_STR_LO        EQU     0x03    ; string id of first line
s_TXT_ACTION        EQU     0x04    ; mode to goto when clicked

; ENTRY mode structure
MTYPE_ENTRY         EQU     0x80
s_GST_LEN           EQU     0x00    ; size of entire structure
s_GST_MASK          EQU     0x01    ; char type mask (also TYPE)
s_GST_STR_HI        EQU     0x02    ; string id of prompt string
s_GST_STR_LO        EQU     0x03    ; string id of prompt string
s_GST_ACTION        EQU     0x04    ; mode to goto when clicked

; CALL FUNCTION mode structure
MTYPE_FUNC          EQU     0xc0
s_FNC_LEN           EQU     0x00    ; size of entire structure
s_FNC_ID            EQU     0x01    ; function to call (also TYPE)
s_FNC_PARM1         EQU     0x02    ; load this into v_str_addrhi before calling
s_FNC_PARM2         EQU     0x03    ; load this into v_str_addrlo before calling

; MENU mode structure
MTYPE_MENU          EQU     0x00
s_MNU_LEN           EQU     0x00    ; size of entire structure
s_MNU_CNT           EQU     0x01    ; number of menu items (also TYPE)
s_MNU_STR_HI        EQU     0x02    ; string id of first line
s_MNU_STR_LO        EQU     0x03    ; string id of first line
                                    ; (menu item strings are next N strings)
s_MNU_ACTION1       EQU     0x04    ; mode to goto when clicked on menu item 1
s_MNU_ACTION2       EQU     0x05    ; mode to goto when clicked on menu item 2
    ; ...

;############### VARIABLES ##################

#if 0 && DEBUG_BITS
#define db_blink            PORTA,0
#define db_no_ack           PORTA,1
#define db_aa               PORTA,2
#define db_bb               PORTA,3
#define db_out_en_retry     PORTA,4
#define db_error            PORTA,5 ; used by error func

; PORTB Bits
#define but_click       PORTB,7     ; click spinner
#define but_spina       PORTB,6     ; spinner input A
#define but_spinb       PORTB,5     ; spinner input B
#define but_sync        PORTB,1     ; synchronize time
#define irrx            PORTB,0     ; from ir detector

#define but_testmode    PORTB,4     ; enter test mode if low

#define but_click2      PORTB,3     ; click when toggled
#define but_inc         PORTB,2     ; increment spinval when toggled
#define but_dec         PORTB,1     ; decrement spinval when toggled

; PORTC Bits
#define disab_spinner   TRISC,0     ; enable spinner when out low
#define disab_display   TRISC,1     ; enable display when low
#define disab_light     TRISC,2     ; enable light when high
#define disab_sound     TRISC,3     ; click speaker
#define disab_irrx      TRISC,4     ; enable ir receiver when low
#define ser_io_tris     TRISC,5     ; tristate serial io
#define ser_io          PORTC,5     ; serial io (bidirectional)

#define b_output_error      v_bits1,0   ; error sending to display
#define b_light             v_bits1,1   ; backlight on
#define b_spinwrap          v_bits1,2   ; spinner can wrap
#define b_got_input         v_bits1,3   ; true if input buffer is
                                                ; not empty
#define b_spinchange        v_bits1,4   ; spinner value changed
#define b_sleep             v_bits1,5   ; go to sleep (if bit set)
#define b_game_over         v_bits1,6   ; set when game ends
#define b_showing_time      v_bits1,7   ; set if displaying time

#define b_turn_off          v_bits2,0   ; turn off NOW
#define b_popping           v_bits2,1   ; used in load_mode
#define b_error_occurred    v_bits2,2   ; set if error occurs

#define b_num_started       v_num_bits,0 ; used in number displaying
#define b_num_overflow      v_num_bits,1 ; overflowed number
#define b_num_bad_digit     v_num_bits,2 ; non numeric digit

v_bits1             EQU 0x00    ; general purpose bits (see above)
v_bits2             EQU 0x01    ; general purpose bits (see above)
v_num_bits          EQU 0x02    ; bits used for number calculations

v_tmp               EQU 0x03    ; temorary variables
v_tmp2              EQU 0x04
v_tmp3              EQU 0x05
v_wait_cnt          EQU 0x6c    

v_sleeptime_tmp     EQU 0x58    ; tmp used in sleep_time funcs

v_macsv_1           EQU 0x60    ; save values in debugging macros
v_macsv_2           EQU 0x61
v_macsv_3           EQU 0x62
v_macsv_4           EQU 0x63

; INPUT ISR Registers
v_oldb              EQU 0x10    ; old value of PORTB (spinner bits cleared)
v_bnopush           EQU 0x11    ; hi bit clear if any buttons were held in
v_bdebounce         EQU 0x12    ; recently toggled buttons clear
v_bchanged          EQU 0x13    ; (temporary) buttons recently toggled
v_brelmask          EQU 0x14    ; bits which may be released
v_bhold_cnt         EQU 0x15    ; countdown holding button in

; INPUT - used in input function
v_inbuf_ptr         EQU 0x16    ; tail of input buffer
v_bval              EQU 0x17    ; current button values
v_spinval_old       EQU 0x18    ; to see if val actually changed

; high level INPUT results
v_spinval           EQU 0x19    ; spinner (encoder) value
v_spinmax           EQU 0x1a    ; max value for spinner
v_bheld             EQU 0x1b    ; buttons that were held in
;v_spinval_init     EQU 0x41    ; initial value of spinval (in enable_input)

v_putc_save_w       EQU 0x1c    ; save w
v_cpos              EQU 0x1d    ; temp for cursor position

v_str_cnt           EQU 0x1e    ; temorary variables
v_str_addrlo        EQU 0x1f
v_str_addrhi        EQU 0x20

v_snd_val           EQU 0x64
v_snd_duration1     EQU 0x65
v_snd_duration2     EQU 0x66

; Character Definition
v_chdef_cnt         EQU 0x67

v_num_hi            EQU 0x21    ; number to print (hi)
v_num_lo            EQU 0x22    ; number to print (lo)
v_num_digit_hi      EQU 0x23    ; digit to print (hi)
v_num_digit_lo      EQU 0x24    ; digit to print (lo)
v_ptime_sec         EQU 0x25    ; seconds to print
v_ptime_min         EQU 0x26    ; minutes to print

v_putc_cnt          EQU 0x27    ; running count of chars sent
v_putl_savew        EQU 0x28    ; temporary
v_putl_linenum      EQU 0x29    ; line number to draw (in low bit)

v_time_addsec       EQU 0x2a    ; seconds to add to v_time_s
v_time_s            EQU 0x2b    ; seconds
v_time_m            EQU 0x2c    ; minutes
v_time_h            EQU 0x2d    ; hours

v_isr_save_w        EQU 0x2e    ; save W reg
v_isr_save_status   EQU 0x2f    ; save STATUS reg

; Event priority: (highest priority first)
;  1) handle clicks
;  2) process input buffer
;  3) handle spinner-changed
;  5) handle timer events    - TODO - not implemented yet

;  timer0 - system clock
;  timer2 - debounce clock

; FUNCTION POINTERS (actually indices into function table)
;    each one indicates what happens when an event occurs
;    from highest priority to lowest priority
;    NOTE: input is processed at highest priority
v_func_btn0_click   EQU 0x30    ; when spinner is clicked
v_func_spinchange   EQU 0x31    ; when spinner changes
v_func_default      EQU 0x68    ; default (usually 0 to do nothing)

v_func_keepmode     EQU 0x32    ; stay in current mode (or not)
v_func_newmode      EQU 0x33    ; set new mode

v_func_event1       EQU 0x34    ; event pending - hi priority
v_func_event2       EQU 0x35    ; event pending - 
v_func_event3       EQU 0x36    ; event pending - lo priority

#if 0
v_func_parm1        EQU 0x37    ; parameter 1 to function
v_func_parm2        EQU 0x38    ; parameter 2 to function

v_cluenum           EQU 0x37    ; current clue number
v_cluetime_h        EQU 0x38
v_cluetime_m        EQU 0x6d
v_cluetime_s        EQU 0x6e
v_clue_str_hi       EQU 0x71
v_clue_str_lo       EQU 0x70

#if 0
v_mode              EQU 0x39    ; current mode
v_mode_str_id       EQU 0x3a    ; string for current mode
v_mode_type         EQU 0x3b    ; type of mode (See MTYPE_...)
v_mode_choice       EQU 0x3c    ; last byte in mode struct
v_mode_len          EQU 0x3d    ; first byte in mode struct
                                ;  (with type removed from hi 2 bits
v_mode              EQU 0x39    ; current mode
v_mode_type         EQU 0x3a    ; type of mode (See MTYPE_...)
v_mode_cnt          EQU 0x3b    ; # items in menu/text or mask in entry
v_mode_str_hi       EQU 0x54    ; first string in mode
v_mode_str_lo       EQU 0x55    ; first string in mode
v_mode_action       EQU 0x56    ; last byte in mode struct

v_entry_ptr         EQU 0x3e    ; pointer to entry buffer
#define b_entmsk_lower      v_mode_cnt,0        ;   a-z
#define b_entmsk_upper      v_mode_cnt,1        ;   A-Z
#define b_entmsk_digit      v_mode_cnt,2        ;   0-9
#define b_entmsk_space      v_mode_cnt,3        ;   <space>

#if 0
v_mode_prev         EQU 0x3f    ; previous mode
v_spinval_prev      EQU 0x40    ; previous mode spinval
v_spinval_start     EQU 0x41    ; used to init spinval in setmode
                                ;  (not used if 0)
v_modestack_ptr     EQU 0x3f    ; modestack pointer

v_ircnt             EQU 0x69    ; # ir pulses recvd
v_ircnt2            EQU 0x6b    ; # times displayed

v_off_cnt           EQU 0x50    ; turn off when reaches 0
                                ; reset on input
v_off_bval          EQU 0x57    ; last known value of PORTB (when off)

v_errno             EQU 0x6a
v_hang_state        EQU 0x42    ; if hang occurs, this is what was
                                ; happening (0=unknown)
#if 0
v_oerrcnt_restart   EQU 0x43    ; restarts due to output error
v_oerrcnt_noack     EQU 0x44    ; noack output errors
v_oerrcnt_en_retry  EQU 0x46    ; retries during enable
v_oerrcnt_bus       EQU 0x47    ; bus collision output errors
v_oerrcnt_wcol      EQU 0x48    ; write collision output errors
v_oerrcnt_nosspif   EQU 0x4d    ; no sspif output errors

v_cnt_turnon        EQU 0x4e    ; times turned on
v_cnt_outenab       EQU 0x4f    ; output_enable calls

#define FIX_ENAB    1
v_en_cnt            EQU 0x50
v_en_delay          EQU 0x51

v_ssbuf_ptr         EQU 0x49
v_ss_save_fsr0l     EQU 0x4a
v_ss_save_fsr0h     EQU 0x4b

v_si_oldb           EQU 0x4c

WATCH_TIME          EQU 10      ; in seconds
                                ; If v_time_addsec reaches 
                                ;  WATCH_TIME then
                                ;  assume something is hung

BUF_MODESTACK       EQU 0x300   ; mode stack
BUF_MODESTACK_END   EQU 0x380   ; end of mode stack
BUF_EVENTS          EQU 0x381   ; event buffer
BUF_INPUT           EQU 0x400   ; input buffer - bank 4
BUF_ENTRY           EQU 0x500   ; entry buffer
BUF_MODE            EQU 0x580   ; info about current mode
BUF_ENTCHARS        EQU 0x581   ; entry buffer character table

BUF_SIMSERIAL       EQU 0x200   ; simserial buffer

;  FSR0 - general purpose indirection reg
;  FSR1 - input buffer head pointer
;  FSR2 - used in low priority interrupts

This file Copyright (C) 2004 by Nathan (Acorn) Pooley
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File created by do_doc at Wed Aug 4 18:04:02 2004