DRUID Development Docs: ginput_isr.inc

Gadget Sourcecode: ginput_isr.inc

; Justice Unlimited Gadget Microcode
; (C) 2004 Nathan (Acorn) Pooley 
; ginput_isr.inc
;@DOC@ spinner and button interrupt service routines

;############### PORTB INTERRUPT ############

    ; handle PORTB when bit7 goes on or off
    ; PORTB has already been stored into INDF1 (which has been inc)
    ;   v_bnopush         - hi bit clear if any buttons were held in
    ;   v_oldb            - old value of PORTB (spinner bits cleared
    ;   v_bdebounce       - recently toggled buttons clear
    ;                       other bits set
    ;   v_changed         - (not persistant) bits that changed and
    ;                       are not already being debounced
    ;   v_brelmask        - bits cleared here will not be recorded 
    ;                        when released (they were held in)
    ;   v_bheld           - buttons held in for a while (not cleared in isr)

    ; remember that buttons are toggling
    clrf    v_bnopush       ; buttons are pressed (only hi bit matters)

    ; check for overflow
    movf    FSR1L,w
    subwf   v_inbuf_ptr,w   ; overflow buffer?
    bz      isr_btn_overflow    ; YES - OVERFLOW

    ; get value from input buffer
    ; set hi bit in input buffer so byte will be used as spinner byte
    decf    FSR1L,f
    comf    INDF1,w         ; PORTB value
    bsf     INDF1,7         ; set hi bit (this is spinner info, not button)
    incf    FSR1L,f         ; put back onto input buffer

    andlw   0x9f            ; ignore spinner value
;   btfsc   STATUS,Z        ; anything pressed?
;   setf    v_bnopush       ; no buttons are pressed (only hi bit matters)

    ; determine which bits changed and are not already being debounced
    xorwf   v_oldb,w        ; get change
    andwf   v_bdebounce,w   ; ignore debounce bits

    ; if no bits changed, we are done
    btfsc   STATUS,Z
    retfie  1               ; done if no change

    xorwf   v_oldb,f        ; store new value

    ; bits changed - record which ones and start debounce timer
    movwf   v_bchanged      ; these bits changed
    comf    v_bchanged,w
    andwf   v_bdebounce,f   ; turn off changed bits (we are now debouncing                          ; them)

    ; what buttons got released
    comf    v_oldb,w        ; get current bits
    andwf   v_bchanged,w    ; buttons that were released
    andwf   v_brelmask,w    ; ignore buttons held for a long time
    bz      isr_btn_relmask ; none released?
    ; button was released - record it
    ; TODO: to support more than 1 button record which one was released
    movlw   0x00
    movwf   INDF1
    incf    FSR1L,f

    ; check for overflow
    movf    FSR1L,w
    subwf   v_inbuf_ptr,w   ; overflow buffer?
    bz      isr_btn_overflow    ; YES - OVERFLOW

    comf    v_oldb,w        ; get current bits
    andwf   v_bchanged,w    ; buttons that were released
    iorwf   v_brelmask,f    ; stop ignoring these bits

    ; TODO - enable this if need button presses
#if 0
    ; what buttons got pressed?
    movf    v_oldb,w        ; get current bits
    andwf   v_bchanged,w    ; buttons that were pressed
    bz      isr_btn_timer2  ; none pressed?

    ; button was pressed - record it
    ; TODO: to support more than 1 button record which one was pressed
    movlw   0x01
    movwf   INDF1
    incf    FSR1L,f

    ; check for overflow
    movf    FSR1L,w
    subwf   v_inbuf_ptr,w   ; overflow buffer?
    bz      isr_btn_overflow    ; YES - OVERFLOW


    ; setup timer2 for debouncing
    movlw   HOLD_CNT
    movwf   v_bhold_cnt     ; reset hold counter
    clrf    TMR2
    bsf     b_tmr2on
    bcf     b_tmr2if        ; in case it just timed out
    retfie  1

    ; overflowed input buffer
    bcf     b_rbie          ; disable PORTB interrupt for a while
    decf    FSR1L,f         ; remove extra byte
    bra     isr_btn_timer2  ; start timer2 (to re-enable PORTB intr)

;############### TIMER2 - DEBOUNCE ##########

    ; timer2 timed out - buttons are now debounced
    bcf     b_rbie          ; disable PORTB interrupt while we do this
    btfss   b_tmr2if
    bra     isr_timer2_end  ; if PORTB interrupt just occured, skip

    setf    v_bdebounce     ; no longer debouncing
    bsf     b_rbif          ; force PORTB interrupt

    movf    v_oldb,w        ; get button state
    bnz     isr_timer2_holdcheck

    ; No buttons are pressed - stop handling button debouncing
    setf    v_bnopush       ; Stop forcing PORTB interrupt to examine
    bra     isr_timer2_hold

    decfsz  v_bhold_cnt,f   ; have buttons been held?
    bra     isr_timer2_end

    ; Turn off timer.  This happens in 2 cases:
    ;    a)  w==0   - no buttons are pressed, so stop handling buttons
    ;    b)  w!=0   - some buttons have been held in for a long time
    bcf     b_tmr2on        ; turn off timer2 (do not need it now)
    andwf   v_brelmask,w    ; do not set held for buttons already marked held
    iorwf   v_bheld,f       ; add to held in buttons
    comf    WREG,w  
    andwf   v_brelmask,f    ; do not acknowledge these buttons releasing

    bcf     b_tmr2if        ; clear interrupt
    bsf     b_rbie          ; re-enable PORTB interrupts (PORTB interrupt
                            ;   will occur here)
    bra     isr_return      ; return from interrupt

This file Copyright (C) 2004 by Nathan (Acorn) Pooley
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File created by do_doc at Wed Aug 4 17:53:31 2004